
Nach 4x Nutzer in 3 Monaten new Marktführer?

Nach 4x Nutzer in 3 Monaten new Marktführer?

Anzeige / WerbungSolana rises parabolically Nach 4x Nutzer in 3 Monaten new Marktführer

A curious choice that the Solana Blockchain makes is to hinge the expirations of three months. If you have your own On-Chain parameter, the rating is new high quality and excellent record order. If Solana is in the overview and running these investigations, the next step will no longer be analyzed.

Nutzeranzahl von Solana verzeichnet new Rekorde

Am 22. October with the Solana Blockchain with 9.4 million. active wallets are not even a personal new record, while they are used in the contact points or a German Ausgebaut.

Bereits zuvor hatte Solana im Vergleich zu dem zweiten Platz NEAR Protocol with 5.7 Mio. gegenüber 3.2 Mio. Quickly doubles as Vale. Aber auch Ethereum konnte with 0.36 Mio. active wallets and inclusive L2s for 3.9 million. nicht mal ansatzweise daran kommen.

Taeglich active wallets based on Blockchains

Täglich active wallets based on blockchains | Quelle: Artemis

Stern hat Solana hinged with 9.4 Mio. Wallets are more dreamlike than almost (3.0 million) and more like Ethereum’s Doppelte with L2s (3.9 million). It’s not like there’s some evil event acting, the Anzahl of Solana-Wallets Since the end of the year 2023, there will always be a new trend verzeichnet.

It will be more beneficial to invest in Solana!

Taeglich active wallets on Ethereum and their Layer-2s

Active wallets with Ethereum and Seinen Layer-2s | Quelle: Artemis

Zuletzt war das Wachstum allerdings parabolic, which in itself is relatively small on other chains. All you have to do is not forget, that is an amount of 558.53 Mio. active Wallets as of 2021 with 248.55 Mio. The fact was that half of the SOL coins were in my wallets has content.

Taegliche active wallets auf Solana

Täglich active wallets on Solana | Quelle: Hello moon

Zahl may have an inflation problem. It’s not all that surprising that Neuling first installed and tried out a wallet. Zudem is not Van der Hand zu weisen, that’s sich Solana in het Vergleich are probably other Blockchains that have increased their previous properties and the expected results of parabolic projects.

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Wachstum von Solana said that it was achieved in others

Jedoch does not act with a parameter. Denn oh Beim Volumen auf de dittralen Kryptobörsen hat Solana seit dem 11. Oktober langfristig die Führung übernommenit was now necessary to be obachtet wurde.

Mittlerweile covers the tagged DEX volumes 2.4 billion. USD, with Ethereum at 1.4 Billion. USD is coming. Including the L2s, Artemis is still at 3.4 billion. USD is worth more to ETH.

DEX-Volumen fuehrender chains

DEX volume flow chains | Quelle: Artemis

Entsprechend entwickeln sich die Gebühren, welche auf Solana 4.1 Billion. USD has had a huge impact on Ethereum with 3.8B. USD is niedriger lagen. Please note that the L2s are hinged, so I have both L1s for 4.1 billion. USD ein Gleichstand erreicht.

Another parameter for the assessment of Solana-Blockchain is TVL (Total value locked). These are all active when it comes to active wallets, soda go to the end of the year 2023 a continuously recurring celebration ist.

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Entwicklung der TVLs fuehrender Chains

Discover the TVLs offering Chains on Ethereum | Quelle: Artemis

This can come into contact with most other L1 Blockchains, with Aptos and Avalanche C-Chain, such as the L2s Base, Polygon PoS, Scroll and Celo. The next year Solana will first have a new 2 year anniversary of 6.4 billion. USD verzeichnen, while others may be a Abnahme-feststellbar ist.

Zudem hat sich Solana in Bereich der Stable coins If you want to know that you will never get the best content, it will not bother you anymore. So make sure that the SOL-Chain uses the data from Visa and Allium insgesamt 4.03 Mr. USD, with a higher market value of TRON by 2.07 Billion. USD nur beef die Hälfte erreicht.

Stablecoin volume

Stablecoin volume | Quelle: Visa and Allium

I am in the range of NFTs that Solana has lost a lot of money with 60.24 million. USD nur is half of Ethereum’s 121.65 Mio. USD is actually lower than the Anzahl der Transaktionen with 1.43 Mio. zu 0.59 Mio. german whore.

It is especially important that your wallet does not change!

It is a ground for the great Legacy of Solana

There are many arguments that could lead to the high tension after the Solana ruling. This is one of the high datendurchsatz, the one enormous Scalierung ermöglicht, welche bisher in der Anzahl von Transactions pro Sekunde ungeschlagen ist. Ebenso fell dead Let’s wait another 400 ms while the process continues.

Black gibt is a big one Entwickler community with a capacity of 2,400 peopleAlthough there are unjustified sectors in the Cooperation with TradFi-Unternehmen, KI and more aufbauen, jedoch war vorwiegend die Check out the memecoins below hoch. This is when you follow the Memetoken-Launchplattform Pump.Fun.

This hat since the end of the year in 150.38 million. USD and Gebühren taken overWe are here for Kurzem nor the Marke von 2 million. USD pro tag be mobile. Den tag wurden nur bei diesem Offer rund 30,000 Memecoins erstellt. It’s not amazing, it’s a high profit margin.

Gebuehreneinnahmen auf Pump.Fun

Equipment on Pump.Fun | Quelle: Dune – @evelyn233

Jedoch offers Pump.Fun a limited investment option in the supporting infrastructure. Dies wird hingen nun mit Pepe unleashed possible, using Ethereum is a proprietary thing Memecoin system with disinterested tools and a scaling solution with its new life and a hundred higher wind speeds.

First kürzlich hat das Team tie Incubator program startedfurthermore, further development projects have been completed. So it is a matter of personal responsibility DEXand interoperable Uberbrückungsdienstdie Stakeout function and pine Block explorer were expanded. All components can coexist with the expansion of the internal space of the system.

I think the investor started investing in Pepe Unchained’s previous market, but that’s Schnell was one of the consequences of those years hat. Bereits jetzt hat er mit seinem Fundraising Mittel in Umfang von 21.94 million. USD it moves and moves quickly with the help of financing. Interests are no longer important for the pre-sold bot.

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