
Barnier will Frankreichs Haushalt failures ohne Abstimmung durchdrücken Von dpa-AFX

Barnier will Frankreichs Haushalt failures ohne Abstimmung durchdrücken Von dpa-AFX

PARIS (dpa-AFX) – France’s Prime Minister Michel Barnier will not undermine the Sparhaushalt’s high public debts in parliament during the crisis. The cabinet has been given the light of the first government, one of the most important things that can promote the representation of the government is that both parliaments cannot even make budget planning for the coming years, such as the direction of Maud Bregeon.

The opening main debate in the Montagabend is the first deliberation for the new Central-Right Government of France, which has gained its own majority in parliament, while a mistake was made. It should have been that the link to the lower and the right-wing National Rassemblement was a strange thing, but that was not possible.

Milliarddenkürzungen and Steuererhöhungen planted

Der im Parlament-reits fell critical Haushaltsentwurf-sieht for, I comenden years through Einsparungen and sisterätzliche Einnahmen 60 Billiarden Euro gutzumachen. Two steps from the Milliardensumme sollen durch Ausgabenkürzungen erreicht were, one Drittel durch Steuererhöhungen, die auf Unternehmen with hohem Umsatz also Haushalte with hohem Einkommen abzielen.

Zum Rückgriff op de Sonderparagraven zum Durchbringen des Haushaltes kam es in Frankreich auch in de vergangen both years. The Schritt is unpopular and the Regie als Schwäche und Zeichen fehlenden Demokratiebewustseins angelastet.

Weigh one of the new debts that the EU Commission has placed in a debt default in France. By the end of October, France will prepare a consolidation plan in Brussels. I have a Haushaltsdefizit von 6.1 Prozent for a year in France. 2025 will die during a fun project and in 2029 a European Grenszwert of three projects will be brought.