
Über 100 Festnahmen wegen Lebensmittelbetrugs Von dpa-AFX

Über 100 Festnahmen wegen Lebensmittelbetrugs Von dpa-AFX

THE HAGUE (dpa-AFX) – I am a champion who has Lebensmittel-Betrug in a European European Action Europol which eleven Verbrecherbanden ausgehoben and Waren im Wert von 91 Millionen Euro vom Markt taken. 104 suspicious incidents have been reported by Europol in The Hague. 22,000 Tonnes Nahrungsmittel and etwa 850,000 Liters Fluüssigkeiten wurden dem Bericht zufolge schlagnahmt.

Polizei, Zollfahndung und Nahrungsmittel-Kontrolleure aus 29 Ländern, Darunter auch Deutschland, anyway the EU Justice Department Eurojust and Europol were among the actions involved. If you focus on the Waren-Betrug, Verfälschung von Marken und Haltbarkeitsdaten, de Panschen von Wein und Ol. Europol has warned that the Lebensmittel-Company is a problem for the Volksgesundheitdarstellt.

Haltbarkeitsdaten fälscht

Kriminelle paintälschen laut Europol auch de Haltbarkeitsdaten von Lebensmitteln. So if you date from Waren, it is no longer possible for the products or products to be sold or products to be sold with new products. The new American wars were written up by Europol in the Verkaufskette.

Falscher Rotwein for 15,000 Euro

At Marken-Fälschungen the message is that everything is an Olivenöl and Wein. In Italy, about 42 tons of olive oil tanks were covered. Französische Ermittler had Europol colleagues go to a band party with his Italian colleges, who made a mistake in the Italian French Rotwein and then received a renowned Weinhändler purchase for 15,000 euros for the bottle. The Spanish Polizei had a live performance, the minors had a false positive attitude.