
Justizministerin kritisiert Kretschmer + MPK in Leipzig + Geburtenrückgang in Saxony

Justizministerin kritisiert Kretschmer + MPK in Leipzig + Geburtenrückgang in Saxony

Guten tag,

fest steht: The recovery of the Corona pandemic in Saxony begins in the Wahl period. The Mittwoch has brought together the CDU and the SPD in an Enquete-Kommission in the Landtag. The Parliamentary Body will analyze the Corona crisis, which affected the Free State from 2020 to 2023. The end of the empirical empirical consequences for the epidemics and pandemics has emerged. If the Commission deals with the grundsätzlichen Fragen van het Maskerenlicht, the Impfpflicht, the Unity with Impfschäden or the Frage of Amnesty about müssen, it is in Antrag.

What would happen in Saxony would be more Gremien, die ich mit der Corona-Politik beschäftigen: een Enquete-Kommission und untersuchungsausschuss. Make a separation between the Landtag and a Sondersitzung about the Anträge of the AfD and the BSW. If one of the best sauce schüsses is the best, the AfD itself is a good Abgeordnete who does that. It is good that the statistics come to an end – if it happened in the Gremien-zwei. Then all interests will be awakened.

The pandemic war in an extremist situation and for many people is one of the most common events, which have the back areas of the area: in the Gesellschaft, the Arbeitswelt, the Beziehungen and in the Seele. Because the problem no longer existed, it functioned and was no more. Was hätte man better machen müssen? Was it possible for the greatest pandemic to develop? The answers to these fragments can be displayed on the Versöhnung page. It is an indication of the gesellschaftlichen Spaltung in Saxony Urgently non-existent.


That Low

sister composition by Erik Geipel

Prime Ministers debate Asyl and Rundfunk

The Prime Ministers and Minister-Presidents of the federal states come to Saxony for their Jahreskonferenz. In Leipzig the Politikerinnen and Politiker tagged along ab heute in the Kongresshalle. In the middle of the Treffens the reform of the reforms is aimed at the most right-wing Rundfunk, Migration is about the long financing of the Communes. This affects the Regierungschefs in Leipzig with the underlying beauty treatments of the Länder and Vertretern von Inklusionsverbänden.


Spektakuläre Akrobatik and Stunts: HORIZONS verzaubert Dresden

Experience the lively atmosphere of the city! HOLIDAY ON ICE presents HORIZONS – a spectacular show full of art and acrobatics. From 04 to 08.12.2024 in Dresden.

Justizministerin wirft Prime Minister Untätigkeit vor

Saxony cannot stop the community of all Bundesländer, Asylprozesse or beschsteunen, nicht. The Prime Ministers took a year to make a decision, the asylum policy would probably be rejected. Der Ankündigung, if de notnauwen Voraussetzungen zu procure, de Freistaat has not come to fruition. After Justizministerin Katja Meier (Grüne) van Sachsen steers her sister towards the right, one of those things she wants to do is. The Green Political Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) has ensured that the Minister-Presidentenkonferenz did not respond in his previous response.

155 other Windkraftanlagen for the Freistaat

The Ausbau der neuerbaren Energien in Sachsen hat nach Angaben von Umwelt- und Energieminister Wolfram Günther (Grüne) deutlich Fahrt aufgenommen. Who from the Bund-Länder-Bericht 2024 revorgeht, since im first Halbjahr 16 Windkraft-Anlagen genehmigt, and für 139 Anlagen laufen Genehmigungsverfahren. The Bauvorhaben can bring Saxony a sister power supply of 965 megawatts, when all 155 beans Windkraftanlagen are generated.

Starker Geburtenrückgang in Saxony

The Zahl der Geburten im Freestaat gehen deutlich zurück. Zahlen des Dresdner Wirtschaftsinstituts ifo say: 2023 since so few children have been born in Saxony, who since 1995 no more. Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr wurden 10.7 Since few children are born. The Zahl der Geburten is dark in Sachsen am Deutschsten, but in Thuringia, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern the Zahl der Geburten is becoming grimly zurück. From 2021 to 2023, the rate in the new Bundesländern dropped to 17.5 Prozent. Laut Joachim Ragnitz, Stellvertretender Leiter of the Dresden Ifo Institutes, has had the global criticism of the last years of the divorce families, Kinder zu bekommen, grim influsst.

Sebastian Scheel loses the Linke

The long-term Saxon Landtagsabgeordnete Sebastian Scheel has had his share of losses. The policy has been established as long as it is Austritt aus der Linken. Scheel has been politically active in Berlin since 2017, during the Bausenator war and the Abgeordnetenhaus angehört. Scheel misses a clear Haltung der Berliner Linken against anti-Semitism. If I share four other parts, join Berlin Kultursenator Klaus Lederer. Scheel, der lang in Leipzig lebte, hörte Sachsens Landtag von 2005 tot 2017 an. Acht Jahre war is Vizechef der Linksfraktion.

Sachsens Einzelhandel hofft auf good Weihnachtsgeschäft

It is the best time of the year to be a single handler in Saxony. The Weihnachtsgeschäft is for the Tür, many Geschäfte courten darauf, that’s a long lasting year, with a positive Abschluss zu legsen. Laut Wirtschaftswissenschaftlern sollten die Unternehmer aber nicht zu fell erwarten. If uncertainty in the Population increases, thrift can be avoided. “We are Optimists and Realists,” said Gunter Engelmann-Merkel of the Handelsverband Sachsen. The power of the trade representatives is noticeable, but the corona pandemic can never cheat again.

So the prize of the Abbruch and the Sicherung der Carolabrücke fell in Dresden

There would be a long double counting for the Dresdner Stadt. More than one million euros for the first follow-up costs in the costs of collecting the Carolabrücke benefits. It could be that other people financed the non-split-off expenditure in the Vorfeld of the Elbe-Hochwassers, with 2.1 million euros for their money. Another 2.1 million euros were earned for the instantaneous savings and for a long time to come through the rest of the remaining bridges. Financing is possible during a varied project, but its financing will never have become so large.

Dresdner Professor and Chef of the Ständigen Impfkommission

The Stiko hat is a new place. The Dresdener Kinderarzt and Infektiologe Reinhard Berner were also involved in Corona-Expertenrat der Bundesregierung and took care of critical assessments regarding the Infektiösität of Children and Jugendlichen for Aufsehen. Sachsens Gesundheitsministerin Petra Köpping (SPD) gratulierte Berner zur Ernennung. “There is a state government that is constantly undermining the Corona pandemic with its Mediterranean willpower, which is quickly deprived and discouraged. “Seine überregionale Reputatie boasts of more medical expertise,” so Köpping.

Wasn’t us yet important

Saxony is both Immunization against Corona nach wie voor bundesweetes Schlusslicht. The control of the Robert Koch Institutes (RKI) was with Stand Anfang July 66,3 Prozent der Bevölkerung Geestestens einmal geimpft – geauso velde wie vor einem Jahr. Bundesweit is active 78.1 Prozent. Also, there are two things to do under other circumstances that lie in the Free State in the Federal Government throughout the year.

Der Saxonia Express Swiss Leipzig and Dresden are the most credible Zugverbindung in Saxony. But since the German tickets last for the RE 50 an seine Grenzen. The DB Regio, the Strecke in the VVO and the Zweckverbanden for the Naverkehrsraum Leipzig concern, how in the past Monaten the Kapazitäten are there. A further Kapazitätserweiterung will come for the first time at the end of 2026.

For Besucher des Unesco-Welterbes Montan region Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří presents an important Anlaufstelle in Marienberg: the first of both Besucherzentren on Saxon and Czech sites. The knowledge of the region as well-being has to do with the well-being of cultural agriculture, the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Saxony in Barbara Klepsch (CDU) for the Grundsteinlegung. Diesen Schatz is highly recommended and touristy in Wert zu setzen. “The Welterbe-Besucherzentrum is made to be of great importance.”

I’ve read more

Could Dresden prevent the Einsturz der Carolabrücke?

While the secret Gutachten matured that Dresden knew about Schäden and the Carolabrücke in April, the woman had a sofortige Handeln ordered. Was in the Gutachten Steht and who responded the city.


  • Leipzig10.30 am: Conference of Minister Presidents Conference
  • Dresden11 a.m.: Press Conference on the Landtagsfractions for the Landscaping
  • Dresden2 p.m.: Press conference for Christmas Garden Dresden 2024
  • Dresden16 Uhr: National President Alexander Dierks presents the Medienpädagogischen Prize 2024
  • Dresden8:30 PM: Empfang der Tschechischen Generalkonsulin Ivona Valhová annlässlich des 106. Jahrestages der Gründung der Tschechoslovakei