
Harris has labeled Trump a “faschist.”

Harris has labeled Trump a “faschist.”

Donald Trump has posted about the arrival of the sonntag (27.10.) to plant plants in New York’s Madison Square Garden with an „Ultra-Maga-erfahrung“. The Ortswahl on the Zielgeraden of the Präsidentschaftswahlkampfs überrascht, weil of the Bundesstaat gilded as Hochburg of Democrats. Guardian columnist Sydney Blumenthal chronicled the “America First” candidates’ precious time here as Signal.

“Trump was impressed by the Nazi war of 1939,” while Bill Clinton criticized the Kalkül Trumps for a long time. For 85 years, more than 20,000 Hitler sympathizers joined together with the Hakenkreuz to support the “American Bundes”. Damals have always been concerned with everything that would make the fear of ‘overfremdung’ and the Schutz one of the better, whiter, Christian Americas. “Das is brandgefährlich”, like Blumenthal.

Candidates who are more normal this time in the Wahlkampf in the meantime, choose the “Make-America-Great-Again” candidate after moving right to the right.

Trump shifted his rhetoric, insulting the attack on an English “invasion” of migrants. If any of the weapons are used in Colorado, it is called an “Eiskalte Killer”. In Aurora, the Venezuelan city has settled. A mistake has been made in the fight against the migrants from Haiti, the cat and the dog of the mysterious scouts. Trump has been guilty of insulting the vocabulary of NS propaganda. There is talk of a “blut poisoning” while wandering around and bezeichnet as “Schädling”, the man “beseitigen” müsse. An American American government has been able to make Trump disappear en masse under the code name ‘Operation Aurora’, so that the military will do so.

‘Trump talked about Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini’, says Anne Applebaum in the magazine ‘The Atlantic’. These dictators in the thirties are so über Jews, Capitalists and other Gegner. If persons are “human beings and as insects or other creatures”, so Applebaum, “man can be more easily disposed of, ihrer Rechte berauben, ausschließen oder töten.”

Tis gold for Trump’s Drohungen gegen innenpolitische Gegner. There is a chance that the army will start “notfalls” against the “People’s Defense” in the interior. The interior of the country is becoming increasingly popular when it comes to Russia or China. This is the “Lügenpresse”, so it is true that the Lips are locked with Joseph Goebbels. New developments are popular with CBS, ABC and the New York Times with the ‘Zerstörung’.

The Democrats will survive for a long time, Trump will fascinate when he succumbs. If you use an eskalierende Rhetorik, your Zurückhaltung auf. We thought Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley characterized Trump as “faschist through and through.” For the former Staff Chef at the Weißen Haus (2017-19), John Kelly, achieved the “F-Wort” for his former Head Chef. In interviews with the “New York Times” and “The Atlantic,” Trump said he spoke positively about Hitler.

In an interview with the podcast moderator Charlamagne, God Harris der Bezeichnung Trumps as fascist. Vergaane Woche, darauf direkt angesprochen, sie sie: “Yes, we can say that.” This opens the door for further criticism. Please refer to more responsible persons for using “F-Wort”. Hillary Clinton calls Trump’s rhetoric ‘faschist’. And the French republican congress organization Liz Cheney sees “there is no need for wide speech”.

This is never an unthinking problem, if a strategy acts, it is not possible for Trump’s Wahlkampf to develop. Trump’s slogan ‘America First’ came from Hitler’s leader Charles Lindbergh and was concerned with the slogan of the Nazi war in Madison Square Garden. At the Krönungsparteitag of the Republikaner in Milwaukee, a delegation of the Papist painter with the inscription “Mass Deportation Now” was hoch.

If the bizarre Auftritt Trumps in Pennsylvania take a chance on one of the favorite songs from his own playlist with his own banner with the written ‘Trump was right about everything’ (Trump was right about everything).

This entry was “erschreckend by Benito Mussolini” by Ruth Ben-Ghiat at New York University. If you tweet in the Anschluss and the Veranstaltung on “X” a photo of the Faschist Italian, there is a prayer with Mussolini’s slogan “Mussolini has ever been right” said.

Yale University philosophy professor Jason Stanley has outlived his long run, with Trump as his possessor. Dessen Maga-Bewegung based itself on ‘Fremdenfeindlichkeit, Rassismus und Hypermaskulinität’ and various democratic institutions as ‘Marxist’. “Trump is a fascist with the Lehrbuch.”

The Speaker of the Maga Candidates Steven Cheung has shared this Characteristics. “These idiot professors are the best of the verblendete spender for Kamala Harris, the end of a fall of Trump-Wahnvorstellungen lead.”

The head of the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), Robert Jones, believes that Trump has not been able to speak. Seine extreme Rhetorik comes with a Teil der Wählerschaft an.

Laut an active registration for the Denkfabrik Brookings Institution stimulated one of the three Americans (34 Prozent) of the Aussage, who is a wandering “das Blut Amerikas poisonen”. A weitere Umfrage von Scripps News/Ipsos ergab, dass een Mehrheit der Wähler (54 Prozent) Massa-abschiebungen von Migranten befürwortet.

Trump experiences his research in Madison Square Garden in New York and Hass in the most diverse Swing States to shave. Yale political scientist Jason Stanley knows he wants to tell the truth, with negative emotions he mobilizes, that will never happen again. “Trump is now amazed at the tactics of the 1930s, we will be happy with it, but we can win.”

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