
These 5 things have had a big impact, an effective result

These 5 things have had a big impact, an effective result

These 5 things have had a big impact, an effective result

Julis Göllner/Qunomedical/Markus Braumann/Civey/Marc Hohner/Leapsome/Jenny von Podewils/Collage: Dominik Schmitt

Wer als Gründer eredolgreich sein will, muss work, fell work. Man is often a partner for all, Termin is a Termin. Je nach Gründungsphase kommen geschäftliche Abendessen, Reisen und Kundenakquise hindzu. A private person cannot do that either. The work is expensive, the calendar, as a rule, is full.

Once the dish is prepared, it will be cooked in a meal, ready. Zum others, and that may not be lighter, it is a clear and good structure. And: hilarious methods, which make es Gründern easier, the tag effective in the figures. We have fun tips to work together with great care.

Keine Jour Fixes – for Deepwork-Blöcke

Not a single gründer look at sogenanntes „Deep Work“. A method, if you focus on a bag. Handy, Mailpostfach und Kommunikationtools wie Slack bliben in dieser Zeit oft stummgeschaltet. One of these methods is the Mehrfachgründer Julius Göllner. A total of 13 own companies have founded more than 35 startups, their war is another manager at Zalando. Zudem is the initiator of a Gründernetzwerks. Göllner often rises from Termin zu Termin.


Series gründer rät: Keine Jours Fixes, dafür zweistundige „Deep Work“-Blöcke

Göllner often rises from Termin zu Termin. From: The form display is open for “Deep Work” blocks between 8:30 am and 10:30 am. Dieser Zeitraum sei für ihn am besten dafür, der Kopf noch frisch, erzählt Göllner: “Da kann ich das am besten. If it’s fun, go to the gym and get fresh. After all, the meetings are in full swing, it is the best time of the year, after all, after 14 calls, I don’t think so.

It depends on the position, er says. “If the Geschäftsführer hasn’t had his own Firm War yet, he could have Jours Fixes. Most of them were notorious, but the contact deed, which you fulfill as CEO, is of course a regular Austausch with dir haben wollen. Once you have a set term, it’s time to start, but it’s not good.” Updates from students and teams getting started are a form of “set meetings.”

1.5 Stunden Power with frischem Kopf am Morgen

This Gründer is a full calendar, and it is busy, but on the agenda. Sophie Chung has all the questions on a new level. You study Medizin, Philosophy and Sinology in Vienna, war studies at McKinsey and how to practice a Health Startup in New York. 2015 gründete si in Berlin Qunomedical, un Software-as-a-Service recommandation für Kliniken und Arztpraxen. In your calendar you will find a pro tag that takes up 17. A davon is Schlafen, a Blocker for fun Stunden, from 24 to 5 Uhr.


Fun Stunden Schlaf, zwölf Meetings am Tag, „Me Time“ between 5 and 6 A.M.: the unfassbare Kalender von Sophie Chung

One of the most important results takes place for Chung aber zwischen 6 Uhr and 7:30 Uhr statt. If you don’t buy anything else, it can take 1.5 years before you are the family and even more happy. In those 1.5 stunden savory from Mails, plant your Tag and prepare Meetings for später vor. Der Vorteil dabei? Chung sei noch frisch in de Kopf: “Das mag ich gern, weil man in der Früh noch frisch ist in Gehirn. As a wise person, I am a “High IQ”-Sachen am Vormittag mache, that, for me, I do not know so much, above all. Davor hat and preparation Yoga power. Ganz manchmal, the fact is that it takes a little longer.

Flexibility with your fixes

Janina Mütze, with her Arbeit regularity, mischt, among other things, the Politik auf. In the year 2015, since the market research tool Civey, the great angellegte Online-Umfragen spezialisiert ist. It has been eight years since the company ran the company together with Mitgründer Gerrit Richter. In the calendar you will now find a fixer and another end point: a spazier walk through Berlin-Kreuzberg, with Gerrit. Both powers are likely, it is true that “the computer starts up and starts up and it is freer to think”.


Nur ein Tag pro Woche für Jours Fixes: „Flexibility gives my Ruhe, dares see he ich Kraft“

Was a fix for Mütze, is a quick Jour-Fix-free week. Quickly all Termine planes go to Montag, continue. It’s one of the best things out there. Denn: “I have to take care of myself, I have to be careful with my handling and my head is free for my external needs.” When you roll, it’s not like the “back of the road” is flexible and flexible to respond with your work.

It is a permanent term in which there will be a hindrance. “I am glad that I was able to enjoy my time there, but I was glad that I was able to think about it, that I would be able to work on it – if the head is full – and that I would like to play sports, I would like to enjoy it,” he said.

Jews Tag a different theme

Because there has been an appeal to the entire company and the idea that people think differently, says Jenny von Podewils, co-Gründerin and Geschäftsführerin of HR-Tech-Startups Leapsome. Leapsome unterstützt mithilfe von KI Unternehmen beim Aufbau an agilen Feedback- und Lernkultur. Podewils work on Frühjahr 2023 in New York, ihr Team aber aberbeitet in Deutschland. Year-round is intended for personal management. If you produce a product, Podewils can finance a certain method.


Vom Strategy-Montag zum People-Freitag: So functions Jenny Podewils Wochenplan nach Themen

You plan your week after the theme: “I’ll be happy with your week thematically. It is about the big, whiten Themen bis zur Innenperspektive. Das hat den Vorteil, dass man mental nicht so fell jumping muss.“ Who is funktioniert? The assembly is available for “Strategy and Dating” for free. It then became one of the ‘Deepwork-Block’ exercises and designs that the woman has done. As a service you have everything to do with “Sales and Marketing”, such as the “Go-to-Market” tag.

If you normally have a free meeting before starting the Donnerstag with the theme “People and Organization”, this will be repeated. Dieser Tag diene dazu, zu verstehen, “was in den unterschiedlichen Bereichen los ist”. And Freitags? That’s what you’re doing, that you’re “sauber abzuschließen”.

Keine Struktur is the best Struktur

The problem and the way Bjoern Keune works the first time is only good, even all the terminology in the calendar. I’m talking about my thoughts on the fact that it’s not like there’s a detailed plan, which others might have – and maybe even more so as the termine hat.

2020 hat Keune einen inheritance Exit force, signal Unternehmen Invincible Brands went to Henkel for 300 million euros. Invincible Brands is an e-commerce company that can all work on Instagram in such a way. It is imperative that you stop doing it. A complete constructive tag can mean the end of the cycle and is the best thing that happened. Manchmal stehen sogar nur zwei Termine am Tag in seinem Calendar. „The most important things I write about, I would like to avoid further delays and regular deadlines. That’s my best work spontaneously. If it were a fact, then the Leute would be a ‘rufe’, erzählt er.


Maximal two term pro Tag, manchmal keine – that is the calendar an more productive day

One of the transplanted plants cannot help but say: “The functionality is not present at all.” Sein früherer fuller Calendar has created a “Gefühl von Enge”. The divorce was often first said “tomorrow, was in the Laufe des Tages ansteht”. It is spontaneous that it is extremely difficult when management is “kompromisslos”. If you don’t take care of it, you can’t do it without work, says Keuner. Früher thought that a fuller calendar is “a product of product”. If all goes well, it will be a fuller calendar and self-study program. „Warum Gründer signal, wenn man then in a Calendar-Geefängnis einsperrt?“