
Großer Umbruch im DFB-Team – London calls: Start with Stolperfallen in Wück-Ära – Sport

Großer Umbruch im DFB-Team – London calls: Start with Stolperfallen in Wück-Ära – Sport

London (dpa) – Christian Wück is here to stay. For Alexandra Popp it is one of the top stürmerin zurückgetreten and Lea Schüller has avoided knee problems. This is the new Bundestrainer of the German Fußballerinnen for their debut in the class against the European master of England, who plays in defense. Beim Aufbruch in the new Ära muss der Coach a few other people, a Stolperfallen zu avoid.

“It was all not functional, it was completely in Ordnung ist”, the prophetic inner Sara Doorsoun before the Duellen and that Freitag for the minds of 52,000 fans in London’s Wembley Stadium (8:30 PM/ARD) and three days of spaer in Duisburg Australian (6:10 PM/ZDF). “If you can take a good test, you can try and endure things, but nothing is possible.” An identity and a gaming philosophy that has been incorporated into this era.

Wück: “Abwehr is a major problem”

Whatever it is, think of the defense on the defensive. “We are dealing with a major problem,” the training team is now open, “we are dealing with the problem that is a major problem.” The chief of staff Marina Hegering vom VfL Wolfsburg is ready to be dealt with, Vereinskollegin Kathrin Hendrich (Belastungssteuerung) pauses, Bibiane Schulze Solano von Athletic Bilbao no longer feels like a Kreuzbandriss.

Innenverteidigerin Sophia Kleinherne von Eintracht Frankfurt, England can choose an option. (Photo: Jürgen Kessler/dpa)

During the English offensive, in which Chelsea’s top player Lauren James played, he was able to visit the Frankfurt Innverteidigerinnen Doorsoun and Sophia Kleinherne. Letztere will keep Lückenfüllerin signal. “If it is a fact here, then it deserves what it deserves – and not a game that is played or has been played or a bisschen has been given,” the 24-year-old said. Wück-Vorgänger Horst Hrubesch would be available for Olympia in the summer.

Kleinherne hat for the Erinnerungen and Wembley

2019 Kleinherne feierte to 2:1-Testspielsieg in Wembley during the Länderspiel debut – now the comeback? “The natural stories that were written in Fußball,” comments below. There is an option for the Abwehrzentrale laut Wück: Wolfsburg’s Janina Minge, gelerte Mittelfeld-Abräumerin. Auf ihr Debüt courtft Newcomer Lisanne Gräwe (23/Frankfurt).

Moreover, the offense has become less serious since the Options have become less frequent in the last week. Bayern-Stürmerin Schüller (Knee Problem) and Frankfurt’s Torjägerin Laura Freigang (Erkältung) have to prove they can compete against Hoffenheim’s Selina Cerci (24) or Neulinge with Giovanna Hoffmann (26/Leipzig). “All since he is there, he will say so,” said Cerci an. Zumindest Schüller will be present at the Montag at Wück’s Home Premiere in Australia.

Popp, Hegering, Frohms: „Herausragende Persönlichkeiten“ treten ab

Dann feiert Popp in ihrem 145. Länderspiel (67 Tore) in a bigger Abschied. Auch Hegering und Torhüterin Frohms, in Duisburg, ohne weiteren Einsatz, were abschiedet. “Very impressive personal features,” said DFB Sports Director Nia Künzer about the Trio. Mindestens bis ins Frühjahr hinein fehlt Mittelfeld-Star Lena Oberdorf (Knieverletzung).

Bayern’s Giulia Gwinn (r) is against England DFB-Kapitänin, Vereinskollegin Lea Schüller dropped out. (Photo: Laurent Cipriani/AP/dpa)

Gesucht since deshalb new Anführerinnen. Whatever the case with FC Bayern’s Giulia Gwinn, he acted like the best Kapitänin. Winn is one of the popular DFB players who are involved in the eleven meter of Verantwortung. Given England, Wück will arrange 25 years of long-term defense as capital in the field – and then? The trainer must be separated, says that the play verboten the vertigkeit of the amtes.

Entschieden hat Wück, that is not separated in the K-Fragevorerst. If the Nations League games last a few years longer, there will be a different knowledge. An Umbruch cannot be anything other than Umwege.

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