
Printabos and Samsung tablets are safe!

Printabos and Samsung tablets are safe!

Hochwertiger Journalismus, I would like more

More than 70,000 copies: You can view and read your digital data in your Kleine Zeitung. One of the good reasons: it is a journalistic quality in the midpoint. While at a time when information expanded quickly and often, many reporting statistics and journalistic publications have appeared – an unintended message on the Internet.

Jetzt is the perfect time, um Ihr Printabo mit unserem digitalen Angebot aufzuwerten. All you have to do if you lose the push is that you can get the Digitalabo for just 4 Euro in your money – and that money will be donated with even more money first! So if you have a Risiko, you can use a Digitalangebot beetet.

With the Digitalabo you have an overview of everything you can think of: the active nights in the region, the country and the world – below and above everything. Ob zu Hause, on the road or in Urlaub: inform and move. If you view all Plus articles, you can also view the digital representation as an e-paper, which is lighter in the app. The app can use a function, reading and finding the inhale is done under the machine.

Erleben Sie die Quality Unserer Berichterstattung in Zukunft nicht nur auf Paper, sonondern auch digital. If you spend more time reading, you can find yourself in the laurel wreath and benefit from Angebot’s extinction. Entscheiden Sie jetzt for die perfect Ergänzung zu Ihrem Printabo – for higher-quality Journalism, we and would like to.

The Kleine Zeitung GmbH & Co KG is at the Auswahl of the Kleine Zeitung Club to liberate the Leistungen and be able to carry out these latter times or e-settings. The Kleine Zeitung Club und de Kleine Zeitung Club kann Angebote/Leistungen posit everything voluntaristic Zusatzleistungen, die nicht van Ihrer Abonnementgebühr umfasst sind.