
These Autumn and Winter Highlights don’t cost anything!

These Autumn and Winter Highlights don’t cost anything!

1. Museums and special exhibits

London’s museums are eloquent – ​​and can be expensive. In the Autumn and Winter monates it has been decommissioned that you will never be the only solution.

British Museum: The Ausstellung „Animals: Art and Thought“ appeared in December 2024 and started a fascinating discovery in the Darstellung von Tieren in Kunst und Kultur.

Tate Great Britain: In November 2024, the Ausstellung “British Art Reimagined” was released. Here, classic works of British art were interpreted with a modern look – free and perfect, in a higher atmosphere that increases the atmosphere of welding.

Natural History Museum: Neben der faszinierenden Dauerausstellung leuchtet das Museum gerade in festlichem Glanz. The experience alone is a kind of care for a stimulating winter moment.

London Mithraeum: There may be a problem with the non-smooth end of the state. The Roman temple, a hidden city, is freely accessible and gives London history a quick mystical note – even in the winter Dämmerung, when the lighter draußen are funkling.

2. Herbstliche Spaziergänge in the parks of London

Auch in der kälteren Jahreszeit since London’s Parks wunderschön. Herbal herbs and icy winter mornings can make a spazier walk through this green oasis of a special experience.

Hyde Park: In the winter of 2024 I will walk part of the Hyde Parks in the Winter Wonderland. If there is an attractive price, the festive atmosphere, the lighter and wintery atmosphere, can give a nice atmosphere.

Greenwich Park: The herbal view of Greenwich Hill on the London Skyline is unparalleled. In winter, when the Bäume (courtly) is covered with Schnee, you quickly want to be in a Wintermärchen fühlen.

Hampstead Heath: Dieser Park is a magical place in the herbal and winter world. The new Felder and Wälder charge the space and vom Parliament Hill has taken one of the best photos in the city.

Secret tip: Besuche früh am Morgen Hampstead Heath, if the Nebel does not hang over the Wiesen – a quick mystical Start in the Tag.

3. Hidden marks and weaker marks

London is an area where the Christmas Market is located. If the big tourist magnets have a smaller market, prices increase and become smaller.

Southbank Winter Market: From November 2024, the Uferpromenade will be festively decorated. You don’t even have to create an atmosphere here and let the winter atmosphere appear on those themes.

Covent Garden: The Christmas decorations in Covent Garden are legendary. Riesen-Weihnachtskugeln and light mist ensures a festive boost, which allows you to enjoy the whole experience.

Maltby Street Market: A smaller, gemütlicher market abseits des Trubels, der im Winter 2024 in warm Lichtern erstrahlt. It is perfect for a long period of time.

Secret tip: Current market standards offer free costs – perfect, especially in the winter season, without having to worry about your budget.

4. Light installations and choir concert

London’s lighter summer and winter thrills are a real attraction. A spazier walk through the city street will be an unlimited experience.

Oxford Street and Regent Street: Jedes Jahr walks through these Einkaufsstraßen in a funkelndes Lichtermeer. When you sit in the Dämmerung, the lightest light falls on your entire Wirkung.

Carnabystraat: The Christmas decoration on Carnaby Street is still special. In the winter of 2024, there is a retro design that has become a lot lighter than the 1970s – bumping, brightening and einzigartig.

Trafalgar Square: From the end of November you will find Chorkonzerte unter dem großen Weihnachtsbaum statt here. The festive music in combination with the fun music creates an unparalleled atmosphere, the costs you incur can be free.

5. Atemberaubende Aussichten: London von oben

A fantastic view of the city cannot happen anymore. One of the best Aussichtspunkte-London is gratis.

Sky garden: The garden on the roof of a cloud crater can have a spectacular effect on the city – and that is one of the things it contains. Outside of winter, when London is in the festive season of Glanz, the Aussicht is second to none.

Primrose Hill: A classamong de kostenlos Aussichtspunkten. Der Blick über de winterliche Skyline van London is no longer necessary to put a clear end to the Tagen.

6. Kostenlose fuhrungen und Entdeckungen

London does not offer a large amount of money, but an exciting Tour – without any Eintrittsgelder.

Free walking tours: Different providers organize free city events, both of whom have the secret of London’s knowledge. About historic Touren, Harry Potter Drehorte or the Street Art Scene of Shoreditch – you end up in the city once, but it is no longer possible to enjoy it. This is based on willing spending.

Self-guided walks: With free apps such as “Citymapper” or “VoiceMap” you can use your own Faust to explore the city and enjoy audio guides that are interesting to read.

7. Music and theater for lau

London culture is a good choice – and these are cost-free alternatives.

Free lunch concerts: In churches such as St. Martin-in-the-Fields or St. James’s Piccadilly you will regularly find free Mittagskonzerte statt. The perfect music in winter, a classical music that you like.

The scoop: This free light stage on the South Bank will feature free theater and film performances in the winter of 2024. An exciting cultural program focused on the themes that you must visit.