
Wildcard rule for Hirscher: Kritik aus deutschem Ski-Team

Wildcard rule for Hirscher: Kritik aus deutschem Ski-Team

One of the best skifahrers of this generation is making a comeback. The Plane von Marcel Hirscher stoßen aber nicht nur auf Zustimmung. The German team criticizes.

Seine Rückkehr sorts for gemischte Gefühle: Marcel Hirscher.

Seine Rückkehr sorts for gemischte Gefühle: Marcel Hirscher.
image images/GEPA images

The German Ski Team is on the verge of a Wildcard Ermöglichte Rückkehr from Marcel Hirscher in the Alpine Weltcup at Kritik. Slalom-Ass Linus Straßer is going to be heavy in the Wettkampf with them now for the Netherlands starting in Österreicher. That is one of the new rules that is prominent Rückkehrer, so that you can find a starting place that is not correct. “Ganz schwierig” is Laut Straßer’s Wildcard Rule; Chief coach Christian Schwaiger thinks his is “absolutely bad”.

The Ski World Association FIS has a new Saison – manche Beobachter sagen: just weigh Hirscher – a Wildcard eingeführt. If these people claim their fahrerinnen and fahrer, the thoughts will not earn any money for two years and will have won a bigger title in their career. It then takes a while after the first 30 Starters ins Rennen gehen. Many athletes struggle with a starting list lead when they want to get started and use one of the most popular trails to make a profit.

Hirscher-Start in Sölden nor nicht fix

Wolfgang Maier, from the Sportvorst in the Deutschen Skiverband (DSV), has given the Wildcards of the FIS one of the greatest presidents Johan Eliasch, a training or training at athlete and team meetings were decided. “Wir sind nicht prinzipiell gegen the Wildcard. Aber de Art and Weise, whoever, it is not okay,” says the hereditary position for the Saisonauftakt am Wochenende in Sölden.

Dort can win the eight-time Weltcup-Gesamtsieger, Weltmeister and Olympiasieger Hirscher first after the first year’s break at the start. After the Österreich had experienced the weltbest Alpin-Athlet war, it was a battle for the Niederlande, the Heimatland-blesser Mutter, and. If there is a tatsächlich light in Sölden, it itself is not the best solution.

Straßer: Hirscher Comeback “PR-mäßig ein Riesending”

The comeback may have been the best, but it was better. “Of course it’s sexy for the FIS, if the Hirscher goes into battle, and the entire middle class thinks it’s good.” Straßer looks good. “If it is natural, then the PR-mäßig is a Riesending, that is the Sport and the Einschaltquote guttut. And then it is personally like this: I am happy that it spans the hind and is interested in me, where Marcel jetzt steh. ”

Sporty thanks to the powerful Weltcup-Dominator, which lasts longer. Take a break for a while. “Manche schreiben de Marcel totally ab, was ich gar nicht verstehe. It is worth it to fit the active time. It is not more than ever, there is 35, that is the best sport alternative.”