
Streckenmodernisierung – Riedbahn „im Plan“ – Installation more modern Signal technology – Wirtschaft

Streckenmodernisierung – Riedbahn „im Plan“ – Installation more modern Signal technology – Wirtschaft

Gernsheim (dpa) – Rund 100 days after the start of the General Sanierung der Riedbahn, the railway sees more in the Zeitplan and how the new technology for electronic Stellwerke has started. The Verlegung der Gleise auf der which Strecke between Frankfurt and Mannheim is so well done, the Phase of the great Machines is coming to an end, says DB Infrastructure Chief Berthold Huber in the south of Gernsheim.

Viele Herausforderungen op Bau

Huber came out of the time plan to 14. This month the final contents and the Strecke for the Fahrplanumstellung wieder freegeben wird. “If you don’t love it, don’t forget everything, who knows what you are doing,” it is essential that rapid separation was achieved. Dennoch is a man in Plan. Man has never constructed so well. „It is important to know that the best efforts are made in the mountains.

Railroad traffic will be much easier

The Riedbahn is the first of 41 high sand corridors, which will be made healthier and more modern in the coming years. It is a Baustein, a Bahnverkehr in Zukunft wieder deutlich zuverlässiger zu machen. A main group for the zahlreichen relocation for everything in the rental is the marode of the railway infrastructure in Germany. The costs for the railway renovation have risen to 1.3 billion euros. The Riedbahn as a Pilot was Huber has an ausgeucht, weil sie is almost a Herzstück.

Das Ausmaß des Bauprojektes in Hauruck-Verfahren

Bislang wurden laut Huber 104 Kilometers of Gleis and a Million Meter Cable will be moved and 361 Oberleitungsmasten will be removed. After collaboration with the Siemens project manager, Guido Rumpel, eight Stellwerke with 600 Signals, 330 Weichenantrieben, 880 digital Zählpunkten with 3,500 Ortungsgeräten were built. The Stellwerke and a Großteil der Signale and Weichenantriebe are assembled, the Stellwerkssoftware is in the Freigabephase. In parallel, a conventional signal technology can be installed, while the time does not last longer with the modern technology that is combined. Soon, all signals will be changed and all aspects of modern technology will be supported.

Risks for the Zeitplan

As a major risk factor for the planted Fertigstellung of the projects for the Generalsanierung, Julian Fassing, das Wetter. And then yes, everything was taken away. Is this an excerpt: “Is the directional element a directional system and a power of directional?”

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