
Study: Jugend beteilingen bei Wirtschaftspolitik more

Study: Jugend beteilingen bei Wirtschaftspolitik more

Knapp a year before the Bundestag, the swinging Wirtschaftslage is a top theme. Because it is so versatile, people are increasingly considering more interesting and economical themes in their living experiences. The Bertelsmann Foundation that was fragmented was the Jungen that was most important. It was a matter of information and information about everything, it was personally relevant in most of the “Wirtschaft und Soziales”.

“Wo since my chances? Was it possible for me to become better?”

One of the 80 percent of young people interested in the Sachen Wirtschaft, ensures that all scientific developments, interest and alternative possibilities seize the opportunities. This is all the case for the fraudsters of the “Gender Pay Gap”, the disinterested interests of men and women.

This is the most important part of the youthful generations about the “Work-Life-Balance”, the good business of robbery and private use. Für two drittel der Befragten plays de Klimaschutz eine Rolle. Nur für die Hälfte der Befragten were Aktienmarkt und Zinspolitik ein Thema.

Wirtschaftsthemen better erklären: Eine Aufgabe auch für Journalisten

In this case it is one of the most surprising options for the media sector, a young person at the Wirtschaftsthema who is concerned with answering angeboten, so the authors of study.

The interest is not that great, it is an unknown world. The Bertelsmann-Studie leitet has carried out a high degree of research, with a view to ensuring economic and social interests.

When it comes to racing, the themes are getting bigger and bigger. People have been verbally abused. Two people are welcome, people in this world are not affected by economics policies and are not open to scrutiny. Women work like men and people with a higher image. The study comes from experience, if the young people talk more about the themes, that is the case.

Wirtschaft is alles, auch die Jüngeren

Defizite gibt is offended by the economics sector, which is now on the fringe with the best business knowledge of the young generations. Thus, the Bertelsmann Foundation, which is now rarely studied in Germany, is “explizit with the theme complex junior people and economics”. Demand clearing is described as a trend study of trends.

You can still be young in one of the best alternative groups and at the best time of the year, taking the time to perform segments. Soul studies, including Entscheidungsträgern in Politik, Wirtschaft and Bildungspraxis, are a broad engellegten überblick über the Lebenswelt and Zichtweisen young People zu bieten, heißt es at Bertelsmann. Another fragment was that we followed and were able to follow the instructions to see the fragments. Schließlich fühlen de Jungen sich in de Parteien häufig unterrepräsentiert and nicht maargenommen.

Young people are starting to enjoy the zahlreiche Krisen

The Bertelsmann Study believes that young people have found themselves in a Zeit “multipolarer Krisen”. During the climate hike, during the Krieg in Ukraine or the next corona pandemic, these topics can be harmed by young people and influenced by our Wirtschaft. In this period, the end of the information and Bildungsangebot of economics and finance themes is desired.