
A wen der Award in diesem Jahr geht

A wen der Award in diesem Jahr geht

Dresden. Der diesjährige Hope-Award receives a Verein Sage Hospital from Berlin. This is the organizing team of Hope-Gala during the Donnerstag.

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The Sage-Hospital-Verein has been working on the installation and installation of a hospital in the Senegalese kitchen since 2003. In general, it is an outpatient situation, in itself one of the general interests of man for all young people from Senegal. “Das Projekt Sage-Hospital is one of the most successful projects that will help in Africa,” began the Vorstende des Hope-Kuratoriums Viola Klein de Wahl. “Here Money and Menpower floss in the Bau a sickhouse, with the entire Dorfgemeinschaft mitgeholfen hat. Jetzt has had an important influence on young people from Senegal here.”

Went as a Flugbegleiterinnen in Senegal

The name of the association is the name of the association closely related to the Sage-Club from Berlin. Jener organizes a motto „Feiern hilft“ regularly Spendingaktionen. Mitbetreiber en Vereinsvorstand Jack Schröder will win the Award with Cynthia Clottey. I love Senegal with my colleague Katharina von Ballestrem as a flight attendant. Danach both had the first Hilfsaktionen ins Leben gerufen. You will encounter the band The BossHoss.

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Bereits zum 14. Mal lost the Hope Award during those years. The first thing that happened in the year 2006. We were proud of the projects and people who were involved in a special life for children’s lives in Africa.

Award with an amount of 5,000 euros

The prize is 5,000 euros. There is a sculpture that sits in the mountains. This hat was made by the Dresden artist Ulrich Eißner in the production of the Meißner Porzellanmanufaktur. It symbolizes life in form and embryos, while the strong hand is shaken.

The Hope Award would have won the press conferences of the Uno-Botschafter in War Dirie, the CDU politician Rita Süßmuth and the Künstler Harry Belafonte and Bob Geldof. From 13. Hope Award 2023 and the Foundation “Water is Right” with the music player Rolf Stahlhofen.

Die Hope-Gala takes place on Samstag, October 26, in Schauspielhaus statt. With the Gala soll der Blick nach Südafrike were given, “we die Menschen unsere Unterstützung brauchen”, said Viola Klein. “If you spend your time in Dresden, you will always have more children and youthful perspectives.”

The event will feature the Pop-Rock-VBand Bell Book and Candle, the Stand-Up-Komikerin and Schauspielerin Lisa Feller, the band project De Phazz and Erika Tanase. Letztere was founded 11 years ago and during the show “Kids on Stage”. The moderation of the Veranstaltung by Karen Heinrichs, which is possible during the Saturday-1-frühstücksfernsehen, and by Andrea Ballschuh, has remained with Hope for a long time.