
End game between Lindner and Habeck

End game between Lindner and Habeck

The Steuerschätzung starts in the Bundestag and the final of Ringen in the Haushalt. If it is a Finanzloch, it is so fair that most of the time.

Christian Lindner (FDP) thinks that the seriousness of the matter will be greater if he punishes the Kameras. After all, there is a seriousness of attention paid. “The latest Botschaft vorweg,” said, “is not a game for Verteilungspolitik.” It needs to be hammered out, so it will take longer for the Minister of Finance. And that Donnerstag looks a lot better.

Lindner continued in Washington DC at the Herbsttagung of the International Währungsfonds, of the IWF. 6,710 kilometers of air line between the Finance Minister of the Seinem Dienstsitz near the Potsdamer Platz. Property is an issue of the Atlantic Ocean, a major financial policy and one of the states of the world economics. It is a fact that America is depicted in the video as Germany, with a Zahl zu tun, genauer: with a Summe, who became civilized in the coming weeks of political Berlin.

982 Billions of Euros. For example, the Steuergelden from the Bund, Länder and Kommunen nach Schätzungen von Experten stood out in the coming years. Fell Money. If all goes well, this is a problem. Neither in summer were 995 billions there. The Finanzlage des Staates also reflects this. Nur wie sehr? And who noticed Spardruck? The SPD, the Grüne and the FDP would have even more difficulty in the future to be seated in the Bundestag in the Haushalt before 2025. That’s fine.

Schon die Frage, who is bigger than the Loch im Haushalt plan for the coming years, is not so light of taste. Lindner presented a larger amount in the Donnerstag: 13.5 million euros that were deployed on the “Handlungsbedarf” before 2025. The Minister of Finance will die to Disziplin’s government, that is her approval.

Die Zahl soll seine Schlussfolgerung stutzen. And the title: “New Ausgabenwünsche could not be inherited.” And: Dammit that Rechnung aufgeht, muss the Gesetzespaket, das die Wirtschaft anschieben soll, unbedingt kommen.

If it is so dramatic, it is true that the 13.5 billion euros it costs is low, but not. Among other things, weil der Staat by de schwächelnde Wirtschaft in Rahmen der Schuldenbremse nun höhere Kredite aufnehmen darf. 4.9 billion euros more than was previously stated in the Etatentwurf der Regierung. Lindner will use the free subsidies for the Intel-Chipfabrik, which were no longer available between 2024 and 2025, an end to Loch, became worth another 7 billion euros.

Streiten über die Wirtschaftspolitik: Minister Habeck and LindnerVergroßern des Bildes
Uneins in Geldfragen: Wirtschaftsminister Habeck (l.) will employ the eingesparten Intel-Milliarden for other development projects, Lindner will face the Haushaltzuuführen. (Quelle: Carsten Koall/dpa/dpa-bilder)

If so, the large Loch in Haushalt will also generate €1.6 billion for the first time. That amounts to 2.4 billion euros, including that summer, um that Ampel that will reduce a large global minority. It is the commitment, the inheritancesgemäß am Ende nicht ausgegeben wird.

The Ampel must now also save 4 Billion Euros after the Steuerschätzung, who would have thought 2.4 Billion Euros. Allerdings can be done in the next week, nor a few billions, but it is warm for the heat. When it became clearer that the money for the citizen’s money would be paid and the compensation for the EEC registration would be granted.

Christian Lindner spoke of an “intelligent multi-billion dollar operation like hand lungs, which is no longer as an end.”

Even dramatic? Lindner’s Koalitions partner is primarily interested in reactive measures. The political speaker of the Greens, Sven-Christian Kindler, said, the public said, “we are new to economics and social impulse”. The reorganization orders for the Bundeshaushalt are “trotzdem beherrschbar”.

If the SPD sees this, then so be it. The summary fragmentation of Achim Post said that the Schätzung now naturally flies into the Beratungen. “Before a large part of the financing was carried out, the Haushaltsverhandlungen was no longer set, but the Konjunkturcomponente of the Debt Rule for the Ankurbelung of the Wirtschaft was a higher creditworthiness.”