
Finanzkrise der Friesland Kliniken: Kreistag beschließt weitere Millionenhilfe

Finanzkrise der Friesland Kliniken: Kreistag beschließt weitere Millionenhilfe

The Landkreis Fryslân is supporting the district’s own clinics with more than one million euros. Der Kreistag hat ußerdem beschlosen, krezfristig wrksame Spamöglichkeiten zu prüfen.

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Friesland – The Finanznot der Friesland-Kliniken gGmbH will be discussed later. The Kreistag Fryslân has received new liquidity support for one million euros in the future, nor for those years of cutbacks, one of the consequences of the kreiseigenen Krankenhaus-Gesellschaft for its security. The best Landrat Sven Ambrosy (SPD) and Kliniken-Geschäftsführerin Petra Hohmann on Anfrage.

All years in those years of the Landkreis in the Clinics with an amount of 22.6 million euros. Since 2018, there has been more than 62 million euros in the form of a greedy liquidity crisis and the flossing of the Krankenhaus-Gesellschaft. Most of the summer falls between the years 2023 and 2024: the enormous cost savings as Kriegs movement in Ukraine will have undergone a grim personal development.

Kurzfristige Einsparungen possible?

The Kreistag that Hohmann added to the Auftrag has drawn up a consolidation plan with the Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers). PwC has decided to extend healthcare provision to the Frisian Kliniken with the Standorten St.-Johannes-Hospital Varel and Nordwest-Krankenhaus Sanderbusch (NWK). Now that all “experiences” (Ambrosia) are experienced, in which they can achieve better results. If you have the first Ergebnisse-vorliegen a few years later, says Hohmann.

Welche Bereiche was influenced by the fact that things were not going well with Hohmann and Ambrosius. After Hohmann has created a fragment, the fragment can lead to a personal event. Nach Ambrosys Worten became a man who was grateful for the Zentrale Notaufnahme (ZNA) in Varel Machen.

Telemedicine can be observed

The ZNA is the Frühjahr nur noch tagsüber een Werktagen mit Medizinern besetzt; During your stay, you will receive telemedicine – Ferndiagnosis per Internet in Kooperation with the clinic on the right of Isar. Nur: “Dieses Angebot wird kaum wathrgenommen,” Hohmann says. Zwischenzeitlich hat zdem der ärztliche Leiter der Notaufnahme kundigt.

The suspension of the active Spar-Bemühungen läuft de Vorbereitung for a Fachgutachten of a möglichen Kooperation der Friesland-Kliniken with dem Klinikum Wilhelmshaven. The Ausschreibung is laut Hohmann in Arbeit. When done, the Auftrag Anfang 2025 will probably become. I plan to use the Gutachten in April.

Jörg Grabhorn