
Christmas garden 2024 in Pillnitz: Öffnungszeiten und Neuigkeiten

Christmas garden 2024 in Pillnitz: Öffnungszeiten und Neuigkeiten

Dresden. Geht for the Pillnitzer Schlossleiterin Josefine Frank dies the season quickly towards the end, starting with the Macher von Christmas Garden in the Schlosspark. Schon in der kommenden Woche were tausende Lichterketten, Kabel, Scheinwerfer and Projecttoren angeliefert. Once you have finished and installed, the run will last for kilometers along the Rundweg in the park with etwa 30 Installations demnächst leuchtend in Szene zu setzen.

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Project leader Oliver Hofft, who loved the fun Pillnitzer Christmas Garden Saison so much, has a great look with the furnishings of the castle. “We have more than 390,000 visitors and have had a great experience with them,” said Frank. And in 2024, the nature kingdom war was waged with Hochwasser, Sturm and Starkregen. The park has a high chance of damage, but 350,000 euros in damage cannot be repaired. After other people have found a road that has been repaired, we would see a slight change from the Rundweg.

It was new that we made money, it was an expense and the time we spent – the most important information in the overview.

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Was the Neuigkeiten dieser Saison?

Der Lustgarten started as Gesamtkunstwerk. The Palaisfassade, the Konturen der Ornamentbeete, the Brunnen, the Baumfile and four large bunte Sterne form a title “Lustgarten in Lichterglanz” a Gesamtchoreography of baroque-anmutenden Musik.

Many guests enjoyed a year-long “Best of” of the installation with the years put together by Sebastian Stein, the Geschäftsführer of Christmas Garden Deutschland GmbH. We will visit the Cathedral of Light, which will be opened for the first time since 2019 with the Golden Light Points in the 24 meter long Glitzer Tunnel.

This is the chime: Lingering to music programs, before the selfies are possible. Genau as the large Lichtermeer behind the Bergpalais, which in that year had a single light island with 2,250 quadratmeters. It is fun with more than 45,000 light points and holding the dynamically illuminated facade of the Bergpalais a artistic lighting, which takes its own focused photo of the best results.

We are looking for a 20 x 10 meter large Eisbahn in Winterdorf on the Vorplatz. Schlittschuhe can be used or used for three euros.

Do you want to enjoy and incur costs for your income?

Christmas garden in Pillnitz lasts from November 21, 2024 to January 12, 2025 from 4:30 PM to 9 PM and a day off from 4:30 PM to 10 PM. These years continue in the Schließtage, including the Totensonntag. The beginning of the sale can give a hint about the bus and bet. If you respond the Veranstalter to Criticism and the Wünsche der Anwohner, the achievement of your respecters remains. History is yet to come Tags: from 24. to 26. November, am 2., 9., 16., 24. and 31. Dezember as well as 6. and 7. January 2025.

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Es gibt verschiedene Ticketarten. The price has risen slightly in the Vergleich zum Vorjahr, but has sunk slightly slightly. Der Kauf des sogenannten Flextickets ermöglicht de flexible Wahl von Besuchstag und Uhrzeit. The price of the prize for a price of 29.90 euros is now available online and for 3,000 tickets.

Wer ein zeitgebundenes Ticket is possible, will appear on the online portal from 15 years from Montag to Donnerstag 19.90 Euro, from Freitag to Sonntag 21.90 Euro, from 21. Dezember to January 2 23.90 Euro. Children from 6 to 14 years from Montag to Donnerstag 14.90 Euro, from Freitag to Sonntag 16.90 Euro, from 20 December to 4 January 18.90 Euro. Kinder bis fun Jahre has a free intritt. An der Abendkasse sind je zwei Euro more zu bezahlen.

Seniors from 65 years, Students and Schüler müssen Montag tot Donnerstag 14.90 Euro ausgeben, Freitag tot Sonntag anyway vom 20. Dezember bis 4. Januard the Normalpreis. These ermäßigten Tickets are now offered to the foreign distribution.

Neu ist das Angebot Familientag, das jedoch nur am 27. November anyway 3. and 10. Dezember gilded. For two years and more children from the ages of 6 to 14 years or for a few children from the ages of 6 to 14 years for a price of 39.90 Euro. An der Abendkasse kommen aber jeweils wieder zwei Euro obendrauf. A diesen Tagen is a small Rahmenprogram that is made with Angels, the beautiful scenes and with Spielbuden. “If you test woolen dieses for years, who is happy? Dann could appear in the next page,” said Oliver Zietzke.

For families with two children and three children’s costs, they are welcome during the fall from Montag to Donnerstag 49.90 Euro, from Freitag to Sonntag 59.50 Euro and from 20 December to 4 January 65.90 Euro. Here the Abendkassenzuschlag is gilded.

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A motivation from the Christmas garden of the year.

A motivation from the Christmas garden of the year.

Diese Schmetterlinge flew 2022 over the Teich am English Garten.

Diese Schmetterlinge flew 2022 over the Teich am English Garten.

Who were shot in the Tiere im Schlosspark?

The Pillnitzer Schlosspark is a Lebensraum of many Tieren, Darunter von Fledermäusen with their large Abendsegler, Vögeln with their Waldkauz, Amphibien with Erdkröte and Teichmolch also Insects with the marbled Rosenkäfer. It’s been a year since you went around the world, while Baum was busy awarding the projects for a while. Now it is the case that the protection of nature conservation is taking place. I have the Ordnungsamt-lärmmessungen durchgeführt, the few negative border writings are reported.

The Fledermäuse is not located in the Flora-Fauna-Habitat behind the Bergpalais in winter. Once you have found the height of Fledermäusen, you cannot use it again.

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Was sagen Anwohner zur Veranstaltung?

If we take the time to spend the season of Christmas Garden at a great Anzahl of the Anwohnern des Pillnitzer Schlossparkes and lately. If you have any criticism, it is true that the Veranstaltung offers some silent advantages of the Totensonntag and the Volkstrauertag found in statute. It hasn’t changed now.

The protection of nature and the environment is not respectable. The criticism is based on imagining, the imaginary park during the music and laser installations, the construction and dismantling of the Schlosspark is interesting for a year quickly for 12 weeks and cannot reduce the damage.

Another Schaden vom Park has emerged, the various Personengruppen 2023 and 2024 have submitted petitions for the Saxon Landtag and we swam at the Landeshauptstadt Dresden. An e-petition has been filed and has been filed on 441 online mitgezeichnet. “The Anhörungen in the Petitionsausschüssen and the Ergebnisse were important to us,” says Frank-Peter Weiß.

Who wants to receive guests and stay in parks?

The Veranstalter works the Anreise with öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln wie from the Bus line 63 or per Fähre von Kleinzschachwitz aus. Direct am Park and Schloss Pillnitz follow the following public parking obligations: Leonardo-da-Vinci-Straße and Lohmener Straße.

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In addition, the mandatory P&R-Platz Waldcampingplatz Pirna is mandatory. I have a shuttle service with boats that run in 15 minutes. This service lasts 30 minutes and costs five euros for all Pkw inputs.

The Sächsische Dampfschifffahrt is lighter during the Christmas Garden and, while the guests are happy to spend their time in Pillnitz.

More information about opening times and weddings at