
Hesse: Active local newspapers at Pro-Palästina-Demo in Kassel

Hesse: Active local newspapers at Pro-Palästina-Demo in Kassel

Status: October 24, 2024 6:19 PM

Dass pro-palästinensische ktivisten in Kassel met dem Wort “Intifada” is one of the available means used by the employer. Letztlich ist de Demo Friedlich verlaufen. Please note that you can use a large number of paroles.

Von Stefanie Küster and Malena Menke

The largest Pro-Palästina demonstration on the Campus of the Uni Kassel is in the Donnerstag after the Polizeiangaben have been roasted. Demnach nahmen beef 200 active and active teil. Auch 65 Gegendemonstrantinnen and demonstrators merged themselves in the Netherlands.

Zusammenstöße or greater Zwischenfälle is laut Polizei nicht. All articles were published locally. Yousef-Shaban-Bündnis performed the demo.

Damit wants to remind the Gruppe and the Kasseler Students Yousef Shaban, on October 24, 2023 in Gaza, life will come to war. “There is war more like a Zahl in a statistic”, teilte das Bundnis am Donnerstag with: “There war a Sohn, a Vater, Ehemann, a friend and a kommilitone.”

Words for the start

Kurz nach Beginn der Demo riefen Sprecher die Parole “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” in Mikrofon (übersetzt: “Vom Fluss bis zum Meer, Palästina wird free sein”). Teilnehmer wiederholten sie.

The parole can take place at Pro-Palästina-Demos. Because part of Parole Israel has the right to exist, it is a free expression of opinion for others. If you are punishable by law, come up with better case law in the context. Im Fall der Kasseler Demo vom Donnerstag is the current Staatsanwaltschaft which has no criminal law relevance.

Auch “Yallah, Yallah, Intifada” was to appear at the Pro-Palästina demo on the Kasseler Campus, which was used by Rednern as one of the Teilnehmern demos. The Wort intifada has a good effect on the demo if it is arranged by Wirbel.

Wirbel nach Ankündigung

The Ankündigung der Zusammenkunft on Instagram has described the student Yousef-Shaban-Bündnis with a photo-verknüpft, the Wort-intifada written on a Hörsaal-Table. Mittlerweile is de postgelöscht.

Criticism of the country government: Interior Minister Roman Poseck (CDU) has drawn up a new course of action for the Uni-Leitung. Art Minister Timon Gremmels (SPD) said about the Zeitung HNA, the Begriff Intifada, “to purify Israel and is unreunionable with our democratic and free grundordnung”.

Was it the Intifada?

Intifada bedeutet im Arabic zunächst Aufstand/Erhebung, steht aber contextuell auch für gezielte (terror) fear for Israelis.

The Hessian anti-Semitism policy of Uwe Becker (CDU) talked about the demo with the Bundnis Yousef Shaban who dealt with the relativity of anti-Semitic terror and the relativity of the NS-Verbrechen in his expertise with aggressive political power. The protest in Kassel has formed a young Mannes movement, an extremist position is spreading.

The Kasseler Uni-Leitung is ready for the Veranstaltung of the Teilnehmer. “Without the demonstrations, I would be happy with positioning and in respect for those who think differently,” said Uni-Präsidentin Ute Clement in the Donnerstagvormittag.

Uni concrete Meinungsfreiheit

That Uni Kassel concrete is, if the verb or the demo is no different, then the campus law has become legal as öffentlicher Raum. If the Ordnungsamt der Stadt is present. These have not been given any meaning, but cannot be used.

“The high debt burden of the right to versatile freedom and free meinungsäußerung in form of fried protest”, teilte die Uni mit. All Universitätsmitglieders are interested in the Campus.

Bündnis looks like “Hetze”.

The Yousef-Shaban-Bündnis wehrte sich am Donnerstag gegen the öffentliche critique. “Had the respectful action of the thoughts been planted, would be a shameful matter of political Hetze-schattet,” says the Veranstalter mit.

“Einzelne Handlungen von unbekannten Persons” seien aufgegriffen and dazu genutzt be, “that joint Gedenkveranstaltung irrefuhrend as extremist darzustellen”, this is in the following statement.

Veranstaltung im vergangen Jahr abgebrochen

Prepare for a Memorial Memorial for Shaban one year ago. This university president Clement has said that he “lived through a political war”.