
Bankdrücken im Hohlkreuz: sin or gefährlich?

Bankdrücken im Hohlkreuz: sin or gefährlich?

You have the feeling that you have become more or less aware of yourself: Beim Bankdrücken wants the Rücken to look like a Bogen, and for Becken to become a little lighter, so that a Rücken comes to Hohlkreuz. There is no mention of “the bridge of the machine”.

Is your own guilt sin or something else? The antidote to this fragment depends on more factors – another one of the technology, the training soul and the physical development.

Would you like to use the Bank Drücken in Hohlkreuz?

Finally, many weightlifters and powerlifters use the “Brücke” on Bankdrücken. The basic principle is this: You can move more weight this way. The wool in a different way conveys the Movement of the Handle. If all goes well, you won’t need to remove Kraft for the warm-up scale anymore. Gleichzeitig erlaubt de Brücke eine stärkere Aktivierung der Brustmuskulatur, während Beine and Core zuätzlich for Stabilität to ensure.

Generally speaking, this technique is extensive and okay, the people sitting on the couch can enjoy the party at the bottom. If you do this, this is not the case.

Was the Gefahren born die Brücke beim Bankdrücken?

If the bank pressure is unreliable or unhealthy, this can be considered. If Linie is the best of the risks, the loan is the most effective. A large part of the pressure is high on the tires and can last a long time for the back or the injuries. If you no longer control the bridge and if you make a stop, the strain on your back goes unnoticed.

If you use an uncontrolled hohlkreuz, it is worth noting the body’s own strength – the chest musculature – at all. The muskeln in the back and the household appliances lying on the floor were a big muskelungleichweight for kann.

Was the Wissenschaft zum Hohlkreuz?

Study of the bench press is focused, if the soul is a control bridge that can load the Kraftleistung-steigern, or the Wirbelsäule übermäßig – voausgesetzt, the Technik ist sauber. In a German study, a stabilizer and an activated back position at the bench press were separated for bench efficiency. One of the strong consequences of the back can be the biomechanical negative consequences.

A new study from 2024 said that the control of the bridge in the bench press can explain the maximum strength resistance. The Forscher dissects Powerlifter, the only flache back support if the bridge used. It is a huge achievement, because the Sportler could have gained 4.2 kilograms more with the Bridge in Durchschnitt, with the same back position. Look at the study, the stimulation of the main musculature – chest and trizeps – in both positions in the war, where the trizeps were at the bridge, it was especially active.

Kurz: The bridge can be a sustainable technique, a Leistung on the jetty, so it is control and animates the world.

Who avoided creating a bridge to bank pressure?

Falls of the Hohlkreuz are better avoided or the light stops, a possible Rückenschwerden vorzubeugen, has some hilarious techniques:

  1. Relax core: Activating the core will automatically stabilize the wiring. Achte, deinen Bauch fest anzuspanning, een Durchhängen zu prevented.
  2. Fuße fest on the Boden: Achte darauf, dass deine Füße die ganze über fest on dem Boden stehen. There is a stable basis for buying and Becken is no longer suitable.
  3. Rücken flach auf die Bank pressen: A lot, it is not that the bank gets a credit, but the natural creditworthiness of the bank. A neutral Wirbelsäule is under water.
  4. See more weight girls: Gerade when increasing the weight often, if the weight is like this. Reduce the weight, a form that appears.

Fazit: Das Hohlkreuz beim Bankdrücken ist in Maßen nicht schlimm, aber auch nicht das Ziel der Übung

Ob das Bankdrücken im Hohlkreuz sin or gefährlich ist, hangt grim of deiner Technik and deinem Ziel ab. Powerlifter and erfahrene sportler can use the bridge to exert more force, but it can take even longer than an eighth Ausführung. For Freizeitsportler und Anfänger it is true that the high lameness of avoidance and the Focus on a neutral Wirbelshaltung of emptying, a rugschmerzen vorzubeugen.

Bartolomei S, Caroli E, Coloretti V, Rosaci G, Cortesi M, Coratella G. Bench press with flat back versus bent back: investigation of the different techniques performed by strength athletes. J Strength Cond Res. 1 Jul 2024;38(7):1200-1205. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000004778