
“The Tiger – Legend of a Hunt”: 3 sat with German Free-TV premiere

“The Tiger – Legend of a Hunt”: 3 sat with German Free-TV premiere

© ZDF and BR, 2024 Pandastorm Pictures GmbH

The featured Korean film “The Tiger – Legend a Jagd” appeared on the year 2015, at 10:15 pm, as a free TV premiere on 3 Saturdays.

Korea 1925 under Japanese Besatzung: Der Witwer Chun Man-duk, der als beste Jäger in Königreich Korea gilded, lebt zurückzoet mit seinem Sohn Seok am Fuße majestätischer Berge. Zur Demonstration ihrer Macht plans the Japanese army, with the Tiger Koreas doing their utmost to achieve a secretive battle and a merit. Chun Man takes a broader approach, his legend and powerful Raubtier broadcaster. Do it if you are afraid of hunting, but you are afraid of it, so that you will be happy.

The TigerThe Tiger
Chun Man-duk (Choi Min-sik) like the Tiger in the snow-covered mountains. © ZDF and BR, 2024 Pandastorm Pictures GmbH

“The Tiger”: Bildgewaltiges action drama

Mitreißende Szenen und beeindruckende Bilder will watch those lyrical films by South Korean Directors and Book Authors Park Hoon-jung. “Oldboy” star Choi Min-sik played the strong Jäger in the camp against the legendary Tiger.