
Börse-Inputs on Spotify at Palfinger, AT&S, CA Immo, Strabag, Pierer Mobility, Sabine Pichler-Kuss

Börse-Inputs on Spotify at Palfinger, AT&S, CA Immo, Strabag, Pierer Mobility, Sabine Pichler-Kuss

25.10.2024, 9742 Zeichen

An Auswahl from the editors of and

Wiener Börse Party #766: Kurze Folge live from the Gewinn-Messe with Palfinger-Intro, with AT&S, CA Immo, Strabag, Pierer Mobility
The Wiener Börse Party is a podcast project for by Christian Drastil Comm.. Under the motto “Market & Me”, Christian Drastil reports on the Tagesgeschehen of the Wiener Börse. Inhalation of the Folge #766:
– live from the Gewinn-Messe, Stand Palfinger (sogar mit eigenem Song)
– ATX etwas festering
– AT&S spoken
– News from CA Immo, Strabag
– Research into Pierer Mobility
– read more in the podcast
– kapitalmarkt-stimme-Jingle-Mann Steve Kalen:
– the Börsegeschichte-Aspect since presented by Petrus Advisers:
– Playlist 30×30 Finanzwissen pur für Österreich on Spotify:
– Stockpicking Österreich:
ATX active:
Information about theme songs Dominik Plangger:
The 2024er-Folgen vom Wiener Börse Plausch (Co-verantwortlich Script: Christine Petzwinkler) is presenter Wienerberger, CEO Heimo Scheuch, who falls under the Podcaster: Co-presenter in the summer is, weil sich Börse und Gulasch nicht ausschliessen (who is PolitikerInnen sagen), without any harmonization.
Risikohinweis: These veröffentlicht are grateful for the reconstruction as an entrepreneur, nor as a fearful or another publisher of financial instruments that are verstehen and if not so sensible. Completely postpone the podcast maker’s personal view. Trading with financial products presents a risk. You can lose your own capital. And: Bewertungen at Apple (or Spotify) with Freude: Indie Podcasts: Wiener Börse, Sports, Music (and more) (00:02:42), 24.10.

der Bulle in Zuckerladen

Dieser Vergleich hat my cases, weil est the current situation and the market is best described. Not to mention that there is no way to get rid of it in the marketplace, so that you can enjoy the US Wahlen… The truth is, who is better again? Schon am 7. November with the FED Sitzung een richtungsweisendes Event-stattfinden.

Aktuell börsiken vom Markt kmplett ausgeblendet. Where are you going to die from 10J US Anleihen? If the market sees stronger growth in the economy and inflation, or will the enormous US debt level reach a higher level and the market will be more willing to take risks?

which are offered on podcasts, serve NUR for all information, propose some examples of an Empfehlung voor Kauf or Verkauf bestimmter Anlagen dar, since somit keine Anlageberatung! A risk profile and financial situation may arise. We would like to discuss the results of this podcast with the purchase or purchase of product products / Vermögenswerten entscheidet, tut diese auser Entscheidung und auf eigen Gefahr. If AL&E GmbH is still one of the previous years, if you meet the podcast event of your own anlagenentscheidungen and derive pleasure from it

Aus dem Cafésatz, aktuelle Kapitalmarkt Themen verständlich erklärt mit Zsolt Janos (00:18:35), 25.10.

Folge 112: Let’s Talk Sports – Part 1

In the follow-up to ‘Finance Friday’, Finance Minister Magnus Brunner spoke about the theme of Sports – found it difficult, but during the last legislative period the government of sports on financial and political matters was a bit of a mess. When the Minister of Finance is concerned with sports themes and other matters, he was wearing the Pau scales Reiseaufwandsentschädigung – kurz PRAE – on his hat. I have taken the next step by getting Finance Minister Magnus Brunner in the sports management in the Finance Ministry and a lecturer and high-level sports teacher in the Podcast Studio. Fell Spaß at Hören!

Finance Friday (00:03:56), 25.10.

Börsepeople in podcast S15/13: Sabine Pichler-Kuss
Sabine Pichler-Kuss is an international company with stations at PwC, EY and S Immo, Das (Eigendefinition) Salzburger Mädel from the winter sports organization Gasteiner Tal of “Karriere-Frau” became a war that would splash into her karriere-tatsächlich for Investitionen Cost of more than 1.2 billion. Euro. Tell us everything about the Berliner Immobilien Portfolio of S Immo here. At the end of 2021, Sabine found and expanded her business jobs through the Inhesa Institut für Health & Selfcare Coaching dem Mix “Medizin Trifft Coaching”, which means that women and female empowerment are not digital aspects that Anliegen delivers.
Ernst Vejdovszky:
Friedrich Wachernig:
About: The Series Börsepeople can be found in Rahmen von and the Podcast “ Indie Podcasts” statt. It is a typical personality and Werdegang conversation. Season 15 is one of the mottos “24 Börsepeople” 24 Talks. Presenter of season 15 is die 3 Banken-Generali Investment-Gesellschaft, Welcher der beste Börsepeople Podcast is een man at The Zwischenstand des Laufenden Rankings is active at 12 o’clock.
Viewings at Apple (or Spotify) with Freude:, Indie Podcasts: Wiener Börse, Sport, Musik (und more) (00:31:44), 25.10.

Would you like to follow the VS-Wahlen for the Börsen?

The next American chief executive will be established on November 5. Welche Follow the Ergebnis for the financial markets that can help, analyze Rüdiger and Robert.

Erwähnte Titel: SAP, P&G, Netflix, Intuitive Surgical, Spie, 3M, McDonald’s, Pierer Mobility

All subsequent pages can be found on and

You can find more podcasts at

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ziemlich gut veranlagt – der österreichische Aktienpodcast (00:35:50), 25.10.

Wahre Rüstungs-Riesen and the Mega-Luxus-Action
Der Börsen Podcast

In the continuation of “Alles op Aktien”, Finanzjournalists Moritz Seyffarth and Nando Sommerfeld spoke about the Tesla Push, the end of a German Tech-Hoffnung and the new von der Nivea-Aktie. This is a BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, VW, Continental, Infineon, Lilium, Beiersdorf, IBM, Hasbro, Harley-Davidson, UPS, Rheinmetall, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon (RTX), Northrop Grumman, Hensoldt, Renk, Boeing, Norinco, AVIC, China Aerospace International Holding, Hermés, Kering, LVMH.

Send us feedback at [email protected].

You can no longer find “Alles op Aktien” at WELTplus and Apple Podcasts – including all articles from hosts and AAA newsletters. Here at WELT.

Disclaimer: Die im Podcast besprochenen Aktien en Fonds do not propose any specific purchase oder Anlage-Empfehlungen dar. The moderators and the publishing house are no longer a desired party, the background of the representation of the thoughts or ideas is good.

Hörtipps: For all those who don’t know more: Holger Zschäpitz could listen to your last week in the Finance and Economics podcast “Deffner&Zschäpitz”.

Broadcast on WELT: I am working on the podcast „The Day of the Day“, which I am interested in talking to with WELT experts who have the right background information on a top political issue of the Tages.

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Everything in Action – Die täglichen Finanzen-News (00:22:15), 25.10.

“Expedia – ohne Uber a good deal?” – Tag der Comebacks, Sallie Mae Studiekrediet“Expedia – ohne Uber a good deal?” – Tag of Comebacks, Sallie Mae Student Loan

Hearing action is good. Aktien purchase is better. If our Partner is offered Scalable Capital, this is possible according to the Trading Flat Rate or the regularity according to Sparplan. All further information about gibt here:

Aktien + Whatsapp = Registered here.

Lieber as Newsletter? Geht oh.

Das Buch zum Podcast? Jetzt lesen.

The car industry is bad. The logistics industry is bad. Der Luxusbranche geht’s schlecht. Renault, UPS and Hermès confirm the Gegenteil. AI is booming. IBM has the name Gegenteil. Außerdem will become Siemens jetzt Software Giant.

Studium in the US is teuer. Deshalb is Sallie Mae (WKN: 932543) a billionaire business.

Expedia (WKN: A1JRLJ) wurde von Booking abgehängt. Aber: Auch der zweite Platz earns Geld. It’s a B2B business. The KGV is in Sinkflug.

Diesen Podcast from 25.10.2024, 3:00 Uhr stellt dir die Podstars GmbH (Noah Leidinger) naar Verfügung.

OHNE AKTIEN WIRD SCHWER – Tägliche Börsen-Nieuws (00:11:43), 25.10.

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Zur Playlist met den Lieblingssongs der BörsianerInnen:, Zuordnungen der Lieblingssongs under:


BSN podcasts

Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

Börsepeople in podcast S15/13: Sabine Pichler-Kuss


1. Podcast

Actions on the radar:Pierer Mobility, Addiko Bank, S Real Estate, Austriacard Holding AG, CA Immo, Immofinanz, Telekom Austria, ATX, ATX Prime, ATX TR, Bawag, EVN, Lenses, SBO, Marinated Biotech, Mayr-Melnhof, Oberbank AG Stamm, Palfinger, Agrana, Amag, First Group, Vienna Airport, Frequentis, OMV, Austrian Post, Unique, VIG, Wienerberger, IBM, JUICE, Mercedes-Benz Group.

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