
UNO-Biodiversitätsgipfel – «Igel in Switzerland benefits little from Nature protection in Uganda» – News

UNO-Biodiversitätsgipfel – «Igel in Switzerland benefits little from Nature protection in Uganda» – News

The biodiversity map is displayed when the works are stopped. In der Schweiz stockt die Umsetzung.

Laut dem Weltbiodiversitätsrat (IPBES) is a million art from Tieren and Pflanzen vom Aussterben bedroht. On 16. UNO-Biodiversitätskonferenz (COP16) in Colombian Cali distributed the delegation of fast 200 federal states, which approaches the artist star.

As the states will follow their national strategies for biodiversity practices in the next two years, the states will live a continuous life for two years. See the Vereinbarung is, the Verlust der Artenvielfalt until 2030 to stop.

Das Biodiversitätsrahmenwerk

Clap box
Box suckers

An der COP15 in December 2022, the Kunming-Montreal global biodiversity initiatives were made absolute. 23 global biodiversity figures will be published, which will be solved between 2030 and 2050. We see the Vereinbarung since, until 2030, 30 percent of the world and moreesflächen will provide effective protection and take risks by counteracting pesticides.

If the display of the Rahmenwerk controls the messages, the display of the messages is displayed. De Abkommen Hat Aber Keinen Rechtlich Verbindlichen Character.

But the states hint behind it: Now there is a half that is new in the way of the future of the convention. Auch die Schweiz has not yet mastered its Hausaufgaben. The Bundesrat only developed the current Biodiversity Action Plan at the end of the years.

Additional political ambitions meet internal political realities

If the Schweiz is on an international issue, there is active protection of biodiversity, but it seems that the environment in the house has changed. I spent a summer in parliament calling for the abolition of more biodiversity in Ackerland ab. Zudem would abgelehnt the Biodiversity Initiative in September with a German Nein von 63 Prozent von der Stimmbevölkerung.

Abstimmungsplakat zur Biodiversitäts-Initiatief mkit einer Biene.

The Biodiversity Initiative works with a German Nein von 63 Prozent abgelehnt.

Keystone / Laurent Gillieron

Der Unmut unter Umweltverbänden ist deshalb gross. “It is a clear statement of international commitment to Switzerland and the mangends written in its own country,” criticized Friedrich Wulf of Pro Natura. “Der Schweizer Igel benefits from the fact that a nature conservation area in Uganda no longer works, but here Schutzflächen can buy.”

The sister Federal Office for Environment responds to the previous version in writing: “Switzerland has ratified the Abkom of the Artenvielfalt and will grant this Verpflichtung.”

Knackpunkt Aktionsplan

The National Action Plan for Biodiversity is a national mass celebration that will take place in 2030. Since the first plan (2017–2024) is worth 50 million francs for the renovation, since the new plan is now 9.9 million euros in advance.

This kürzung is combined with the general comments for criticism. For natural concrete, it is likely that the mass is not binding: “The company that has fallen in some cases with pilot projects or Gutachten, which have little concrete Wirkung auf nature.”

The Bundesrat will end the financing of the Aktionsplans. Let the «Tagesanzeiger» be sold that was stocked with 20 Million Francs. The joint Bundesamt for part of the company fully believes that the Aktionsplan will not be processed either in the future or in the last years of the Bundesrat.

It is possible that the Schweiz has its international representation on a national level, but it may be fragile. It’s a party, that’s the next COP in the year 2026 Bilanz has become like this. Then it would be the case that Switzerland will increase its ambitious biodiversity in the interior.