
Kirchbach-Zerlach started in the Glasfaser-Zukunft

Kirchbach-Zerlach started in the Glasfaser-Zukunft

In der Gemeinde Kirchbach-Zerlach, the new Glasfasernetz is symbolically official in the Betrieb management. Die Anmeldequote in der Bevölkerung is located at 60 Prozent.

KIRCHBACH-ZERLACH. Wirtschaftslandesrätin Barbara Eibinger-Miedl and Bürgermeister Anton Prödl participate in the Landtagsabgeordnetem Franz Fartek, the Geschäftsführer of the Regionalmanagements Sudoststeiermark, Michael Fend, and sbidi-Geschäftsführer Herbert Jöbstl at Glasfaser-Netz in Kirchbach-Zerlach Nord offiziell in Bet rib.

A weiteren Meilenstein for an infrastructure in the sin of the Breitband Strategy 2030 of the Styrian countries setzte the Styrian Breitband- und Digitale-infrastrukturgesellschaft (Sbidi) with the new Glasphaser-Netz in Kirchbach-Zerlach Nord for 7.3 million euros. In 2021, the program’s kick-off project began with the herbs in 2024 and in the entire mountain corridors. 486 Gebäude since construction, which covers a length of 62.2 kilometers.

Entscheidend für den Standort

“Greenhouse horticulture is one of the separate companies for the Steiermark location, now with its extensive infrastructure, it became clear in the future”, concrete die for the Breitbandausbau sister Landesrätin Barbara Eibinger-Miedl. Deshalb sei is ihr a central lesson on the subject, the glass phase construction and the digital transformation in the joint Styria forranzutreiben.

Anyway, more frue sich, “we are happy to have a new project in Kirchbach-Zerlach in the future and make sure we write in the direction of the flächendeckender Versorgung mit leistungsstarkem Internet setzen”.

Glass phaser is connected with the flow

The market at the end of Kirchbach-Zerlach feels that with the activation of the fiber optic networks at the start of an infrastructure, it will take years and years before an example is set, which is to a certain extent. You have no choice but to explore the Wachstum and purchase new Möglichkeiten. Flexible working models, care for imaging and a complete digital substantiation with glass phaser in the market town. Notice the brand name in Kirchbach-Zerlach as it removes the large amount of water from the population.

Kirchbach-Zerlach is now connected with glass fiber. | Photo: sbidi / Hasler

“These projects provide a great infrastructure for Kirchbach-Zerlach, which yields all the profits. During the Great War of the Bund and the Land War, the Norden is fast and flächendeckend zu erschließen,” said Bürgermeister Anton Prödl begeistert. Who is the Bedarf ist, lasse sich an der hohen Anmeldequote über 60 Prozentablesen, die Freude sei im Ort entsprechend hoch.

Ausbau brought a strong boost to the region

In Styria it is not the case that the Gemeinden fall, while the road from Kirchbach-Zerlach is woolen. I have received a new financing volume of 110 million euros, which should absolutely happen. A reforming opportunity for Vale Gemeinden. “Sbidi can with souls forward reichungen through a flächendeckendes Glasfaser-Netz errichte, we won’t be much true. That is for people and people in communities who have Kirchbach-Zerlach long-lasting and entscheidende Vorteil“, is Sbidi-Geschäftsführer Herbert Jöbstl überzeugt.

The region’s infrastructure is a product of commercial politics and soul-oriented initiatives. With the Regional Breitband Masterplan des Regionalmanagement Southern Styria during the year 2020 der Grundstein for a number of cords and letztlich flächendeckenden Ausbau – auch außerhalb der Zentren – are laid. “If people have their say, it is true that providing people here with the Internet is a cleaner legacy for the entire region,” says Michael Fend, director of regional management.

For the glass fiber construction, Fördergelder from the Bund for the Styria could be won. Of the construction costs in the plant species, an amount of 7.3 million was covered by 65% ​​by the costs of the Bundes in the Fördercall. The rest of the investments will take place in the Gemeinde Kirchbach-Zerlach with the Unterstützung of the Landes Steiermark.

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