
ERC Ingolstadt will respond in Munich auf Niederlage in the Top-Spiel Berlin

ERC Ingolstadt will respond in Munich auf Niederlage in the Top-Spiel Berlin

A sharp Leistung in the Spitzenspiel, the Eisbären Berlin on the Platz and the Tablenspitze in front of the ERC Ingolstadt are the first to passé. The Panther will have to make its first homecoming in the Saison der Deutschen Eishockey-Liga (DEL) quickly, this time on a Sunday afternoon (4:30 PM/ Magenta Sport) to EHC Munich for the next viewing probe.

A year for his game, says Ty Ronning in the Donnerstagbend, part of Essen in a Pappschachtel under his arm, on the way to his former team colleges in the ERC Cabinet. A Jagd nach dem Wechsel, nach Punkten, denchste Sieg. Run three Stunden zuvor had become the Panther on the ship Beute: Ziemlich lassig schoss Ronning the Puck after three minutes vom linken Bullypunkt in the first Powerplay in the Ingolstädter Tor. For the war of 27-27 is the goal in eight seasons, for the Panther of an unlucky start in a number of games and a big duel against the German Meister, that is the end with 2:4 (1:1, 1:1 , 0:2) lost.

ERC gibt Führung aus der Hand

After the Ronnings goal, let the Ingolstadt fall into the air for three minutes by Alex Breton after a spinning game with Myles Powell on zurück. If you notice the rest of the time, go to another stunde – a top of Powell has emerged – where a Berlin urge phase with a contact from Riley Sheen is in the air. These are the Berliner zurückkommen, the campferische blieben and schließlich thanks to the hit of Doppeltorschütze Marcel Noebels (34./60.) as well as Leo Pföderl (42.) in his new Sieg in the Serie Feierten. The Panther days lie in the Abschnitt more Top-Cancen gegen the grim Berliner Torhüter Jonas Stettmer lies and suck that he loses his punishments, the Triumph in Duell um thetafellenspitze verwehrten.

“Wir hätten schon aus dem ersten Drittel more herausholen müssen. Then the Berlin part of the training is one of the best, if you don’t sort you will never have great pressure,” analyzed ERC Trainer Mark French. Philipp Krauß also said that this is Mannschaft nicht, the Berliner Stars das Spiel constant schwerzumachen: “We were the best team and hatten those besseren Chancen, then darfst du si nicht ins Spiel kommen lassen”, meinte der Stürmer. “You must frustrate those Top-Leute, give up your heart to play. Aber das is not something that is good.”

Nächstes Top-Duell in Munich

The Platz and the Tablenspitze are a passé for the Panther damit. Berlin is a side that is now four punks and shows the strongest Auswärtsteam in the League. “It is a great success, and the top of the table is stehen,” says Ronning. Seine Erfolgsserie hat een großen Anteil daran: Der Kanadier, der nach der Vizemeisterschaft mit de Panthern voor zwei Jahren in der Vergangen Saison seinen Titeltraum in Berlin realisierte, hat nun in jedem seiner eight Saisonspiele gepunktet, in sechs davon mindestens doppelt. Wenn Ronning played hat, hat Berlin bisher nie lost.

The Panther runs all day long through the Niederlage to make the demands and become self-confident in the next schwere on the Sonttag at the EHC Munich in the new SAP-Garden, then it is more fun to make the Rekordmeister a high-level Duell , op de Torschussstatistik van 28:29 Schüssen verdeutlicht die Ausgeglichenheit der Partie. “If you have found one of the first Tables Square here, you can play a man in the German game. Both teams have been committed to the cause and want them to be worried,” said Ronning.

Good reaction of the Panther commanded

Entscheidend is nun sein, wie der ERC zum Abschluss des erge seasonalviertels op die zijn zijn erste Heimniederlage-reaction. “It is an enormous weight, who is one of the best players and will never play in that Saison zwei Spiele in Folge again,” said Ingolstadt’s top scorer Powell. When a Spitzen team entered the battle, after a Niederlage, which carried out such a fierce attack – and the Hunt on the Tablelenspitze began for the Panther nun von vorn.