
Sport1 entlässt 60 Mitarbeiter: Acunmedya-Strategie zegt Wirkung | Money

In the Umbau war it is no more than: Sport1 entlässt bound 60 Mitarbeiter.

The Turkish Unternehmen Acunmedya first had eight Monaten Anteile übernommen. The Unternehmensberatung Roland Berger was called in – but the usual Konsequenz followed.

Die Entlassungen bei a Mitarbeiterversammlung verkündet,berichtet das Medienmagazine “Clap”. Make sure you stop using the device. The official term lasted until the year 2018 and had started with 583 years.

Couples abgebaut

It is unclear whether the results will be achieved. Vermutet, the display and the editorial staff are affected by the sales activities and the website Derzeit laufen Verhandlungen met dem Betriebsratüber a social plan, teilte Sport1 “Clap” with.

Program umgebaut

The new strategy is clear: Sport1 focuses on Free-TV, Digital and Jackpot 50.

“Insbesondere will engage the Sport1-Gruppe on the Kerngeschäftsfelder Free-TV (with the sender SPORT1), Digital (with the online and social media platforms SPORT1) and Jackpot 50 (virtual slot machine game) won. The Sport1 GmbH is well versed in the operational range of Content, Product & Reach and Sales,” says Matthias Kirschenhofer, Co-CEO Sport1 Medien AG and Robin Seckler, Geschäftsführer der Sport1 GmbH, co-founder of “Clap”. During the reorganization, the personal file was reduced. That writer is notorious, a long overdue attempt at positioning.

The first reality format from Acunmedya with Sport-Bezug, der Fitness-Wettbewerb

The first reality format from Acunmedya with Sport-Bezug, der Fitness-Wetbewerb „Exathlon“, regarding the adjustments to the German market

Photo: Acunmedya/Sport1/dpa

Hinter de Kulissen brodelt die Gerüchteküche: Wohin steuert der Sender wirklich?

If you inhale more when you are from DMAX or RTLzwei, message “Clap”. Sports can be performed on the edge theme, while the tension lies in the Fokus rückt.

Der Unternehmer Acun Ilıcalı at the “Antalya Diplomacy Forum” in March 2024

Der Unternehmer Acun Ilıcalı at the “Antalya Diplomacy Forum” in March 2024

Photo: photo alliance / Anadolu

Acun Ilıcalı (55), chef von Acunmedya, ist Reality TV-Produzzent and experienced for your Starken im Entertainment. Seine Firma, founded in 2004, produced world shows with “Ich bin ein Star – Holt mich hier raus!”, “The voice of“ or “Glücksrad”.