
EBC Financial Group and the Economic Sciences of the University of Oxford are able to discuss WERD-Folge zu Makroökonomie en Klima an

OXFORD, Vereinigtes Königreich, October 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The EBC Financial Group (EBC) has decided to make a proposal with the research economics sciences of the University of Oxford for the Australian period 2024-2025 of the renewed webinar ‘What Economists really do that “ (WERD) bekanntzugeben. The kommende Veranstaltung is the first WERD-Veranstaltung that is its own stage discussion in a hybrid Rahmen with the title “Sustaining Sustainability: Balancing Economic Growth and Climate Resilience” (Aufrechterhaltung der Nachhaltigkeit: Gleichweight zwischen Wirtschaftswachstum und Klimaresilienz) enthält. The fact is that the economic knowledge of the EBC and the university economics of Oxford University continued in those years, but there is a whole world in the future. The extension of the EBC study to include the University of Oxford’s research economics has produced the latest WERD webinars, with the theme ‘The economics of tax evasion’. In this situation, the controls of the management information on the global and local Wirtschaft are derived and the financial institutions of the financial sector are involved in the complex payment problems that arise.

The hybrid veranstaltung will take place on November 14, 2024 at the Sir Michael Dummett Lecture Theatre, Christ Church College, one of the most prominent Vordenker associations, an overarching issue of wirtschaftspolitik and ökological research into disputation.

Banner for the exhibition 'What Economists Real Do' sponsored by the EBC Financial Group with discussions about economics and climate

Insight into global climate control finds the analysis of a critical Zeitpunkt-statt, and the role of the financial sector in financing a nachhalten enterprise begins in the Blickpunkt-rückt. In the heutige Wirtschaftslandschaft, one of the separated companies is bringing the financing strategy to Einklang with the Umweltschaftsstsein. During the sponsorship, the WERD followers come with the EBC in the Schwerpunkt on the urgent Fragen der Klimaresilienz and the nachhaltigen Wirtschaftswachstums verlagern. In the stage discussion under investigation, macroeconomic political development may present an urgent problem that will save the world and increase the economic stability of their gewährleisten. The dialogue on the EBC agreement has begun, with the financial markets taking a leading role in meeting costs.

David Barrett, CEO of EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, comments: “We are happy with our knowledge of the economics of the University of Oxford, a follow-up to the webinar “What Economists Real Do” before death Ausgabe 2024 –2025 in shapes. This collaboration is a way to increase our involvement, the academic education can lead to solving problems with climate hikes from the macro-economic situation. If you are a strategic strategic partner at the EBC Financial Group, you have a sinful corporate agreement, and you have found a strong partner in the community of your mission, a task that remains to be accomplished.”

Banu Demir Pakel, moderator of the Sitzung and Associate Head of External Engagement, associate professor of economics, said: “Wir freuen uns, the EBC Financial Group as sponsor of another sequel of “What Economists Real Do” (WERD) starts talking . In our recent discussions with David Barrett, CEO of EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, we discuss the topic “The Economics of Tax Evasion” (The economics of financial management) – a review of the industry for an academic Discussion is possible. At the Grundlage that continues these years, there will be a large hybrid stage veranstaltung with new guests from the industry that has a major subject by Professor Andrea Chiavari with the theme ‘Macroeconomics and Climate’ (Macroconomics and Climate) on the veranstaltung. The Fachbereich-wirtschaftswissenschaften are worthwhile, discussions between Wissenschaft and Wirtschaft zu fördern, and will be grateful for the continued support during the EBC. Make sure you get a gelungen-veranstaltung.”

The faculty economic sciences of the University of Oxford are a world for rigorous academic education and their relations with their economic politics. The components were included in the Frage-gewinnen, while the macroeconomic conditions were achieved with nachhaltig Wachstumszielen in the Einklang, and were removed from the view of science and the financial sector. With the discussion of the theory and practice of economics, these changes can bring a zukunftsorientierten View to the market, with the economics policy that defends the broader state of affairs of the world and the global economics stable gewährleisten. The teilnehmers were started by the employees of the industry, but practically a Schritte Unternehmen and Institutionen unternehmen can a nachhaltige Wachstum zu erzielen.

Use one of the following views on the next step

The Unterstützung of the EBC Financial Group for this initiative was founded by a zeitpunkt, a dem eine strategic global expansion stattfindet. With a number of financial markets in London, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore and Sydney, the American, Latin American, African and African markets are one of the local markets that have made the local market with solid and sustainable financial investments. During the study of the academic training of the University Wirtschaftswissenschaften of the University of Oxford, the EBC in its role as a catalyst for positive reporting in the region will die, the tradition of large financial institutions will continue.

Erlös der diesjährigen WERD-Veranstaltung kommt dem Fachbereich en seinem Ziel zugute, führende Forschung und kostenlose Ausbildung zu betreiben. The registration for the Veranstaltung, most people who shop online, are one of the most popular publications that are as easy as possible. Um Ihren Platz to make a reservation, make sure you use this Link.

About the EBC Financial Group

The EBC Financial Group (EBC) has founded a financial distribution company from London and has started its comprehensive service provision, financial brokerage service, asset management and comprehensive investment services. The EBC has developed as a global company and has become a major financial sector in London, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, Sydney, the Cayman Islands and the markets of Late America, South Africa, South Africa and the grim farts. The EBC may have some cases of financial support from professional and institutional investors.

The EBC has done more research and used the most ethical standards and international form scripts. The Tochtergesellschaften der EBC Financial Group are regular and lizenziert in their local legal cases. The EBC Financial Group (UK) Limited is a regulator of the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the EBC Financial Group (Cayman) Limited is a regulator of the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA), the EBC Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd and De EBC Asset Management Pty Ltd was regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

The core of the EBC Group has built up a wealth of more than 30 years of financing in large financial institutions, which have been suitable for the economical economics navigation since, from Plaza Accord up to the Schweizer Frankenkrise 2015. The EBC is for a culture one, In the Integrity, Respekt and the security of the best capabilities is a first step, and in itself, that your commitment is covered with the great seriousness while it deserves.

The EBC is the official design partner of FC Barcelona and offers special services in the Asia, LATAM, Nahen Osten, Africa and Ozeanien regions. The EBC is a partner of United to Beat Malaria, a camp of the National Association for Global Health. In February 2024, the EBC discovered the research ‘What economists really do’ (was a theory) from the research sciences of the University of Oxford, discovered in the economics sciences and did a number of important things, a while ago dnis and the dialogue with words.

Resources contact:

Savita Ravindran
Global PR Manager (EMEA, LATAM)
(email protected)

Chyna Elvina
Global PR Manager (APAC, LATAM)
(email protected)

Douglas jackdaw
Global PR leader
(email protected)

A photo of the latter can be found at

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