
Lauchringen: After finishing the night: So prepare for your Garde-Tänzerinnen before your arrival

Lauchringen: After finishing the night: So prepare for your Garde-Tänzerinnen before your arrival

Narren mit unterschiedlichen Häsern and Guggenmusiken embellish the Fasnacht in the region. A story has taken a different direction than a Garde, the program has been reached.

In Lauchringen you can see two gardens: the Garde des Narrenvereins Schwanenmühle in Unterlauchringen and the Narrenvereins Räbenheim in Oberlauchringen. The Blaue Garde der Schwanenmühle gives a piece of cake in its activities.

The Guard is used in various stufen at the Schwanenmühle: the Junggarde for Mädchen in eight years, the Blue Guard in 13 years and the Red Guard in 18 years. While the Bunten Abenden reach the program with two single studies.

The three Garden of the Narrenvereins Schwanenmühle Lauchringen eröffnen 2023 den Bunten Abend.

The three Garden of the Narrenvereins Schwanenmühle Lauchringen eröffnen 2023 den Bunten Abend. | Image: Herbert Schnabele

They present a classic Marsch and a modern Tanz. Modern Tanz focuses on years and a different theme and style. When Marsch is busy with his music, it is the Tanz in the silent choreography.

“For my personal opinion, Garde is further, we will certainly be an Abwechslungsreich. Man is traditional, but also modern, quick Tänze. There is also no elongated power and power fell Spaß“, the Gardetänzerin Lea Fricker (15).

Neben de Bunten Abenden ist die Garde auch auf Umzügen and Narrentreffen zu sehen. All Garde Stufen are present on the two Umzügen in Lauchringen. Make the blue and red whisks appear on the screen in the with view. Ab der Blauen Garde helps women and young women at the sales stands.

The Unterlauchringer Garde had 44 Mitglieder and momentan keine Nachwuchssorgen. “We had no problems at all, but we still have a problem, and then there will be a problem, but we will never have to worry about it,” says Trainerin and Gardetänzerin Lea Kropf (20).

Lea Kropf trains the Blaue Garde in Lauchringen

Lea Kropf trains the Blaue Garde in Lauchringen | Image: Lea Kropf

Jedes Gardemädchen possess two Kostüme – one for the March and the Umzüge and one for the modern Tanz. For the traditional Marsch-Kostüm-müssen that you can enjoy in the Verein a Kaution. These correspond to Austritt wieder. The costs for the modern costs are the most of the Verein.

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The Narrenreffen will continue until 2028: Here are the four years after the Kleggau-Jarren

Die Geissenzunft Weizen is Ausrichter des Kleggau-Narrentreffens in 2025. (Archive image)

So entstehen die Tänze

For a new Tanz, the Tänzerinnen can use a theme and appropriate music. Darauf bauen diejenigen, the choreography machen, the tanzschritte auf. If the Tanz has power, separate his Tanz and Stufe. In the Junggarde both Tänze von der Trainerin were choreographed. The Marsch in the Blue Guard has fallen to the Trainer, the modern machen Tänzerinnen, who have Lust dazu. A focused trainer is nothing more in the Roten Garde. As a result, both Tänze von Mitgliedern were authorized.

The Blue Guard at the Auftritt near Bunten Abend 2024.

The Blue Guard at the Auftritt near Bunten Abend 2024. | Image: Herbert Schnabele

After the summer, training for the fast night started. Einmal die Woche sich die Mädchen in der Gemeindehalle in Unterlauchringen. Start the training with a short warm-up, then you can treat the tanzers of the tanze and a new part of the time, while the tanze is fruitful. Make sure you give your organizers an idea of ​​your costs for modern tanz.

“It is especially important for the community to be part of the community, it is a matter of time and that we have all our mega successes and the future of our lives, both of them were very productive,” said Gardetänzerin Iva Mutabdzic (15).

Zur Autorin: Hanna Hever (14) studies the new class of the Tiense Realschule and absolves towards orientation towards a practical practice in the local editorial office Waldshut. In this Freizeit you will sing in the Blauen Garde and work in the Jugendkirche Stühlingen.

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They also work with: Tobias Weissenrieder (stehend, left) from Narrenverein Räbenheim and Klaus Spitznagel (stehend, Mitte) ...