
Live longer: The test of life during your stay

Live longer: The test of life during your stay

Wouldn’t it be true that the Wecker would no longer linger and that humans might feel better?

If you can no longer use this anti-stress routine for immunity, can it have a positive effect on health and life?

So healthy is Ausschlafen

Ausreichend Schlaf is separated from the home and long-term health care.

Schlafmangel, especially over a longer period, can follow the following steps. There are a number of risks for herz-kreislauf-erkrankungen, diabetes, obesity and depression caused by health care.

A study from the year 2019 has said that people are impressed by the night who sleep through the night, aber am Wochenende ausschlafen, a small star berisiko haben as Menschen, the standard zu little schlafen.

Die Forschenden sagen, das das ausschlafen am Wochenende als een Art “Erholungsschlaf” kann. So the consolidation of the reinforcement of the Woche can be erholen.

Im Video: Who’s there, what’s going on?

So gefährlich is Schlafmangel

In case there is a problem, it is a new challenge to have optimal operation at night. Were usually deutlich darunter bleibt, verstzt seinen Körper in einen Zustand chronic Müdigkeit.

Schlafmangel is strongly affected by the disease, the immune system is protected and the risks for bluthochdrones and herzerkrankungen increased. The problem can persist for a long time after the Lebenserwartung has been sold.

An external schlaf can no longer help, work on the quality of life for more than a while.