
History and Character, Tageszeitung Junge Welt, 26.10.2024

History and Character, Tageszeitung Junge Welt, 26.10.2024


Journalist, literary and music criticism and nun auch Romancier: Ulrich Rüdenauer

Man is not bad, that is a beautiful story that is small, novels are not yet accepted. Denn Ulrich Rüdenauer has had more time in his Erstling “Abseits” than the new Richard in the World and has gained his first experiences. Whether it is so fast, it is in the back and it has been, when man started an uncontrollable grinding in a new youth with his walk. Richard has power over his lessons and his writings are as strong as they are and are guided by his speech and his careful considerations. The first self-esteem is bitter in all things and I have children from everyone else: Auf de Erwachsenenenenfrage »Wem hehörst du?« hat there keine Antwort.

If no mistake has been made, there is an incorrect approach with Onkel and Aunt warming up. That is one of the Bauernhof-met-packen, the Lehrer and more nor the Pfarrer gehorchen muss and all the reinforcement and freudlosen Erwachsenen gegenüber keine eigenen Ansprüche zu stel hat, nimmt is klogos hin. The Prügelstrafen are gone: »Ein angekündigter Schmerz is unermesslich. A plötzlicher is the reason true. «Ein wenig Geborgenheit stiftet under the Großvater, and in the few ortsansässigen Sonderlingen ihm Verbündete zu. I am aware of Richard Zugute, it has become so myself. Weil is a started Träumer ist.

Anyone who is in their own company sees how the company is developing, the author of its main character is the least: who is done with it, the first thing you can do. The first thing you will achieve is a beautiful, beautiful environment. The next step is a Western ride with the dramatic following: If Richard penetrates on the Rückweg von der Feldarbeit der Ackergaul and der Onkel bij Versuch, the last step would be to come, the young people would still be free from the waste, but they would not be spoken. And if the sick are admitted to the city hospital, it is possible to undergo absolution.

Rüdenauer belässt de Handlung long time and ortlos, führt de Leserin und de Leser jederzeit op Augenhöhe met de Hauptfigur en ohne Hast durch seine Geschichte. While the German economy is being made explicit in that country, the debt is also one of the ways in which the autor can become lighter in a dump of the nachkriegsschweigen. A few days later, when the Fernsehgerät came out in the Dorfgasthaus, Klarnamen de Runde: Toni Turek, Max Morlock, Fritz Walter and Co. are on the way to the miracle of Bern on the Österreicher road. »That war also affects life. That is a Jubilee celebration, says Richard fest.

The protocol of the frühreifen loners noted the glazing of one’s own properties, the author of Richard bis in the syntax that his cultivate lässt. Here you will find Robert Walser’s description of the Satz »Ich mache meinen Gang; / der führt ein Stückchen weit / and heim; Then ohne Klang / und Wort bin ich beiseit« dem Roman as zweites Motto vorangestellt ist. The first thing is the spirituelle Wehklage »Sometimes I feel like a motherless child«. If you wish to escape, if you wish to have a child, look back on Richard, hint at the secret of your identity, and if you wish to have a relationship with us, you will be able to live in it. The kitchen’s schlafzimmer is a collection of distorted photos and cooking sauce cuts on a handy piece of a short description of the time. The Individuals only started when Mr. Adler dropped a few glasses from work at the Dorftest and Richard came on the Home Path of the political pregnancy, which will only continue to exist here.

If the youngster is now two and two sister ammenzählte, it is no longer possible to put an end to the recovery for Augen, if the Entsetzen-darüber, a etliche dieser gottesfürchtigen Leute in deutschen Abseits wenige Jahre nor Sklavenhalter and Schlimmeres gewesen . Wieviel by that writer Richard in his career, who hides the author, is one of the most cultural journalists for the time and for radio, konkt.

Zum Schluss is a great allegory. Although Richard was already in another family association, he became a resident of the Kreisstadt, where a world football player used to play with the Heilbädern and the mini golf game of the gelbsucht. The power of the Kurpark is a fleeting venture, a young man and a betrayer he has. Because it may be that something is being done, the heart of one of the young youths resumes on their mantelpiece. If you want to know more about Richard, this is a good thing.