
Schweigen erwünscht – “The silent book club” in Heidelberg

Schweigen erwünscht – “The silent book club” in Heidelberg

The “Silent Book Club” at the German-American Institute in Heidelberg takes place every week from 6 p.m. in the Dortigen Bibliothek-statt. All statements are possible.

If people go on longer, it’s longer time for a book to cook – or to sway no matter how useful it is to scrape or jump up, one thing was so essential or trinken your holes. It is a good idea to read more and more books and libraries, when joining people together, so that you and yourselves can have a long conversation so that you can learn more, and then you can have a better conversation.

Reading club in Heidelberg

Of course, the trend comes from the US and the “Silent Book Club”. Auch in Heidelberg at the German-American Institute (DAI) is an independent reading club. The Library of the German-American Institutes in Heidelberg has a lot of Räume with Bücherregalen down to below the Decke. There are still a few children with a child in a study, who never take that long before a few books come off the shelf.

Aber heute gehen hier at 18 Uhr nor nicht die Lichter aus, sondern – who jeden twee Donnerstag – meet themselves Reading activities zum “Silent Book Club”. Einige Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer stehen schon in kleineen Grüppchen beisammen, uder stöbern nor in den Bücherregalen. Then Mitarbeiter Craig McSkimming greets all guests: “So, welcome everyone to The Silent Book Club!”

Nicht nur das Buch is exciting, auch the others Leser*innen

A diesem is four men and women go crazy, young and old. You can see them in the large reading room. When people are in the big Ledersesseln world, other people can find a bigger part of their lives.

Most people brought their own Bücher. I think it is good to have a book by the American political scientists Yasha Mounk. But there is a Weile who can understand my thoughts. If I was new, a glance at the book cover of the book might be like that, but the others were so lesson.

And how do you read: How can the woman bypass a certain page? Who is most comfortable! To the right of my mother is a young woman in her e-book and – another woman plans to see her kopfhorer in Ohr and lauscht in her hörbuch.

The DAI computer Craig brought a few Kekse and Salzstangen to the Tische – ansonsten ist ruhig, nur der Straßenlärm requested in the Library. I trust myself in my book. Die Stunde fell on the schnell-rum. Craig said it all, if one of the greatest things you can do is bring wine and money. If all goes well, a book can be frozen and dried.

Gemeinsam den Lessestap abarbeiten: in „Silent Book Club" in Heidelberg.

Gemeinsam den Leseschiet abarbeiten: in the “Silent Book Club” in Heidelberg.


Shot shop

Nach dem Lesen was plaudished

Not all wollen gleich mireden, aber am Schluss has already written his book – the bandbreite is great: a Sachbuch zur eigen Fortbildung, der Gewinnertitle des Deutschen Buchpreises, weil überall darüber spoken wird and ein eher light, lustiges Buch, was man in Urlaub no fruitful lessons.

Many lessons in English, others in German. And while the conversation spits jeder in the Sprache seiner Wahl.

If you would like more information about a title or author from the „Silent Book Club“, it is just a matter of time when you can read the books. The “Silent Reading” Circle has become a more popular discussion run.

A meeting point on the shy lessons

Watch the Frühjahr message and be DAI in HD in the “Silent Book Club”. Libraries Ingrid Stolz is skeptical about the new trend in the US, saying: “I think it is an interesting topic. If it didn’t actually happen, it would be like it’s its own book of lessons. After we have had a practice, the war is war and the truth: ‘But that is for the Schüchternen Leute and nicht jeder in the Book Club, so it was and is a big hype in the US!’ When I thought about it, it would be a bad idea to do this. If a new Leute comes, the son of the other Sachen will no longer be controlled.”

Keep in mind that there is a core of literature that regularly relates to the content. A new interesting question comes up, like Monika, who has since become a real fan of the “Silent Book Clubs”:

“I fand’s super and the first war of thanks, a student ends unnoticed lesson. If the brand stands out, it is often the case that it is not possible to enjoy the T-piece of the machine. It’s all interesting, other people read, whoever the man is, we all know it’s a very good thing to do. I didn’t get tired of it.”