
Struber wackelt, Klose feert: Nächste Köln-Pleite! Nuremberg wins 8:3! | Football

Struber wackelt, Klose feert: Nächste Köln-Pleite! Nuremberg wins 8:3! | Football

Dieser Freitag in der 2. Bundesliga war KOMPLETT VERRÜCKT!

The 1. FC Köln plays the nächste Niederlage – and in Nürnberg the club will play against Regensburg in a great race.

1. FC Köln – Paderborn 1:2 (0:0)

Who has not lost Struber?

After the Kölner 1:5 in Darmstadt, the start-up competitor Paderborn becomes the nächst Pleite with 1:2.

Eine 1. Halbzeit zum Abgewöhnen. Ein Schuss op Tor – the war! Null Tore, null Esprit, dafür vale Pfiffe zur Pause.

Thielmann Traumtor!

▶︎ 61. Minute: The Cologne Erlösung! Ecke Köln, Paderborn clears, but focuses on Thielmann’s rights, the ball volley in the Maschen pops.

Thielmann erlost Krisen-Struber – aber nur kurz!

Paderborn comes quickly and dreht through a Michel-Doppelpack (76./80.) of the game and obtains the Kölner Krise.

▶︎ Bei Paderborn with Luis Engelns (17) during the Startelf debut. The Mittelfeldspieler is the player of the former Gladbach-Trainers Daniel Farke (47/Leeds United)

▶︎ Torschützen: 1:0 Thielmann (65.), 1:1 Michel (76.), 1:2 Michel (80.)

Nuremberg – Regensburg 8:3 (3:2)

Was the war a game???

Der 1. FC Nürnberg won theTablelenletzten Regensburg with 8:3 – and let its underlying game play.

Club-Achterbahn in Halbzeit eins!

Nuremberg was visited by Tore von Tzimas (17 minutes) and Emreli (23 minutes) in Führung. Der Jahn gleicht durch Hottmann (36.) und Viet (42./Handelfmeter) aus.

Hottmann’s 1:2 is Regensburg’s first Liga match after 712 (!) minutes.

Justvan (45.+1) shoots Nürnberg almost with the Halbzeit-Pfiff wieder in Führung. Durchatmen!

If you go straight to the wiederanpfiff it will be even longer. Pröger (49.) was born in the first Ausgleich für Regensburg.

Then justvan picks up. Zunächst walks a direct Freistoß (59.), später nor a Foulelfmeter (74.). 5:3 for Nuremberg.

Never before has a club spent so long ending a game at 8:3 – it was an Elf-Tore-Party.

▶︎ Torschützen: 1:0 Tzimas (17.), 2:0 Emreli (23.), 2:1 Hottmann (36.), 2:2 Viet (42/Handelmeter), 3:2 Justvan (45.+1), 3: 3 Pröger (49.), 4:3 Justvan (59.), 5:3 Justvan (74./Fouelfmeter), 6:3 Schleimer (81.), 7:3 (83.) Castrop, 8:3 (90 .) .) Karaflat.