
Obdachlose suchen Schutz – Kältehilfe startet – a warm Mahlzeit and a Bett – Wirtschaft

Potsdam (dpa/bb) – In de kommenden Wochen die in Brandenburgs größten Städten wieder die Kälte-Angebote für obdachlose Menschen. “Die Winternothilfe started in Potsdam from November 4,” said a speaker of the Landeshauptstadt. Then there are other considerations regarding the renovation of the work that can be done in the future.

Insgesamt studen aktuell circa 70 Platze zur Verfügung. The Zahl der Plätze can no longer be used. A Rufnummer with a Hilfebedürftigkeit was announced, so the Sprecherin.

Keiner soll absgewiesen zijn

If the working hours were to be met, then there would be no one and the work commitment in Potsdam would be abgewiesen, the Sprecherin said. Außerdem became a snack with fresh food, a warmer meal and the convenience of washing and washing. “The Kleiderkammer is still open.”

In Frankfurt (Oder) rückt ab minus zehn Grad ein Kältebus aus

In Frankfurt (Oder), the temperature is determined among the violent temperatures with temperatures below minus 10 degrees Celsius in the city and the Treffpunkte van Obdachlosen or “gefährdeten Menschen” can be used, which has a city-disrupting effect. Hot Getränke, Suppe and warm Decken were served in the bus. The affected soles besthende Hilfsangebote are replaced. Once you are a human being, “if possible, in the urban living environment” you can start.

Cottbus is active on 12 notenschlafplätze and

The Stadt Cottbus hat is a notchlafstätte with 12 individual pieces for obdachlose men. “So that you have a good experience, you will be able to enjoy your peace of mind, and you will not have to worry about having any problems with it,” said a speaker of the city. The Notschlafstätte is ready at 5 p.m.

In recent years, Cottbus has not been able to cover limestone, concrete from Sprecher. If we have more information, citizens will be more likely to report people’s history or history. This Bitte goes to the other Städte ab. The Verantwortlichen cannot bridge the situation in the urban area and look at quotations or Hilfebedürftigkeit sehr grateful in winter.

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