
Hund erstickt an Bord Richtung San Francisco – Herrchen sues Alaska Airlines!

Hund erstickt an Bord Richtung San Francisco – Herrchen sues Alaska Airlines!

Drama in Flieger

Hund erstickt an Bord – Mann tells Airline!

Michael C. was always happy to be remembered.

Michael C. was always happy to be remembered.

zur Verfügung gestellt/Michael Contillo/James Drake

A dog needs to be let down.

Michael C. was on the flight from New York to San Francisco with his father and his two French Bulldogs. Before the flight began, Alaska Airlines’ personal flight was upgraded, the first class sold to be in Economy Class. Plötzlich will be one of the Hunde panicky and dry.

Flugzeug-Passenger does not venture on their hunt

Michael C. said that it was noticeable that the Bulldoge Ash was in the Transport Box and could not get out. There will be no more dog, but the personal escape will be in that case. When the Flugzeug ends up in San Francisco land, Ash lasts the longest. There is a good chance you will get money if your dog is in its Transport Box form.

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There is no personal warning for your personal flight

Michael C. kann kaum glauben, was blessing Hündin passionrt ist. Jetzt verklagt is the airline weighing Fahrlässigkeit and seelisher Belastung. Laut The Independent did not warn the personal flight, but it is not a good idea to make their dog shy. For the Vierbeiner there is a stressful situation that occurs during the Umzug on the Platz zum Atmen. One of the things you need to do is ignore Michael C.’s help. If the pilot has still not started performing his task, it is possible that Hündin has died.


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