
Martin Mühleis: Vom Filmemacher zum Theatermann

Gschwend. “The First Man. Die Rückkehr nach dem Roman von Albert Camus is one of the two Stücken, the study of the Filmmaker is the following author and director Martin Mühleis in the Musikwinter-Saison in the Heimatgemeinde Gschwend. It is a fact that literature and philosophers found their childhood in the city after their Wurzeln. Auch Martin Mühleis himself made sure that he left his home in the Swabian Forest and got to know his family Gründen Dorthin zurück wherever he was. Sein Leben is een Paradebeispiel dafür, die scheinbar vorgegebene Biographien often not so verlaufen who planted, weil de Handelnden eigene Wegehen. One of the Zufall or the Schicksal is one of the Regie-beiligt.

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Seine Biographie said that Heimat was a man, if now an Ort, was born or grew up in man. The story began in the late 1950s, when Martin Mühleis came into Swabian Gmünd auf de Welt and in Gschwend aufwächst. When a child starts, it’s Faible for Kino; There is a Karl May film – and for the entire Werke von Charlie Chaplin! A fascination that lasts a lifetime, while the American in Swabia is no longer a schauspieler, is one of the political arts that is deeply rooted.

The end of the Chinese war is so great that Martin Mühleis finds himself in a vast Berufswahl world. „Eigentlich hatte ich ja vor, Germanistik zu studyren“, remembers sich der inzwischen 67-Jährige. In a while, in the man that has not even lasted a while, the Internet has been on the Internet, blätterte er damals – wie zoviele aus seiner Generation – kurz vor dem Abitur in a dicken green Buch: dem damals jedes Jahr new aufgelegten Bundesweiten Ratgeber für die Studien- und Berufswahl. There are all possible study options involved in the preparation for the learning process as well as for the further development of the study program.

A beautiful hat of the young Mann from the Swabian Province in green Wälzer entdeckt, which is a Film School in Munich. The 70s were a time when Kino and Fernsehen were in Umbruch. That “good old time” kitsch-brave Heimatfilme war lasted a long time. No car film has ever been made with the work of Rainer Werner Fassbinder, but the legendary Krimi series “Der Kommissar” or a Klamauk-troublesome film in the “Pauker” film with Hansi Kraus sees the Fernseh-Mehrteiler zu Weihnachten (zB den Seewolf). In Film und Fernsehen, this country’s dams, new formats and erzählweisen are put together.

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“I had a great experience, who enjoyed their freedom and joy in their lives,” says 20 years of successful theater work in this phase of blessings. If the child tends to use the hats, the junior in the flourishing family is its own fault, who has used the German language to make the sohnes work. It starts with a course of 800 students at 15 study sites in Munich, where you can get academic training to make a film if you start.

As an author and gleichzeitig director, Mühleis has made eleven films for the SDR, the Bayerische Rundfunk, the WDR, Radio Bremen and the ZDF. It wouldn’t be like that if those eleven films were made, if there was no schicksschlag, everything would be done differently.

Die Karriere von Martin Mühleis started nicht in Theater, son van de Welt von Film und Fernsehen. The straight image was written as the author and registrar of a documentation for the ZDF with the title "And it's not that bad".

Die Karriere von Martin Mühleis started nicht in Theater, son van de Welt von Film und Fernsehen. The correct image is the author and registrar of a documentation for the ZDF entitled “A white war”.

Mühleis senior was von Beruf Kaufmann and had the right Riecher in the 1960s, a full-fledged one in the House Renovation Industry. It started with the purchase and assembly of roulades, the man who became a builder at night and at the signal time a real purchase schlager. Etwas später kam de grote Zeit der vorgehängten Eternit-Fassaden als Wetterschutz; and after the 1973 Öl-Krise, connected with rising energy prices, we continued to save more money during the night when saving energy costs.

The Mühleis company has built up a solid market position in this segment, but the residents are still not active in the change that has now been a revival market for 50 years. While we were still young for the Ruhestand War, a loss had to be financed. And if so, tomorrow the filmmaker making the film will increasingly use the other craft involvement. “It was actually planted for a long time to come, but it would be safe in 20 years!” said Martin Mühleis in Rückblick.

It is a war in your life, in 1986 with friends the “Gschwender Musikwinter” gründete and as Domizil in the Welzheimer Straße bought another Anwesen – auch an es for the Verfall and the Abbruch zu retten. Part of that real estate would go to the Restaurant “Herrengass”, another part to the “Bilderhaus” to Veranstaltungsraum. With a full program from composers, literary translations and princes, the “Muziekwinter” -Macher under Beweis, the “Kultur mit Niveau” and “Provinz” do not pose any attribute of importance, which in itself can be found.

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Everything that concerns this time and war, the Firma Mühleis in Gschwend vorbei. The filmmaker of his home renovation looks great in the world of media. Auch aus dem Kreis der active “Musikwinter”-Macher verabschiedetetetetetet ich the leading cultural cultural enthusiasts. Before the years can begin, it is one of the first experiences that brings with it the disappearance in the hands of a new team a year later.

Martin Mühleis has been active as artist Leiter of his gründeten Gesellschaft “sagas.ensemble” since 2006 and is part of his production of another Synthesis with Schauspiel, Live-Musik and Bühnen-Inszenierung with Licht. These upgrades were no longer played by the music of the live music, but could generally produce a speziell of written music. Martin Mühleis collaborated with both Stamm-Komponisten Libor Sima and Christoph Dangelmaier. The music is no longer a piece of work that is a Western facet of the incision, that is on the augenhöhe moves with the speech.

There are other brands of the “sagas.ensemble”, which have been popular in many theaters and with their renowned show performers and show performers (zum Beispiel bekannte Tatort-Kommissare) throughout Germany, is the focus of literature. The Theaterhaus in Stuttgart is zum Beispiel ein Ort, where Mühleis is a major presenter. In the List of Spielorte names can be seen at Deutsches Theater Berlin, Schauspielhaus Hamburg, Staatsschauspiel Dresden, Nationaltheater Mannheim, Schauspiel Köln, Prinzregententheater and Isarphilharmonie München or Alte Oper in Frankfurt auf.

Two Mühleis-Inszenierungen in Gschwend

That Winter-muss man has not appeared in Stuttgart, an active Stücke by Martin Mühleis can be seen live. On November 30, the Stück “New York, New York” with Christian Brückner will be released in the Gschwender Gemeindehalle. Brückner verleiht dabei Texten von Autoren aus dieser Metropole Gestalt und Stimme. As an incentive, a Millionen-Publikum is possible. Brückner wurde zum Beispiel 1976 by Director Martin Scorsese personally as Robert de Niro’s Synchron-Sprecher in the film „Taxi Driver“ was broadcast and war for Warren Beatty 1967 in Film classic „Bonnie und Clyde“ the German Stimme. Together with the music of the Jazz Ensembles “So4”, Brückner in Gschwend connects poetic rehearsals with Jazz Moods. Another production will take place at the Gschwender Bilderhaus on March 1, 2025 in the Bilderhaus-Bühne. Wolfram Koch has joined forces with the “L’ Orchester du Soleil” under the title “Der Eerste Mensch. Die Rückkehr“ Gedanken des Autors en Philosophers Albert Camus from his autobiography is Roman zugänglich. It is a fortsetzung with a heritage building structure, in the present day of Camus’ Rückkehr nach Algier, der (damals nor französischen) Stadt seiner kindheit geht – and an inheritance, which has a new perspective on another other Wahrnehmung von Stadt and Menschen führt. Schauspieler Wolfram Koch plays in the Heinrich-Böll film “Ansichten eines Clowns” with Geraldine Chaplin and John Malkovich in front of the room.

These results have not resulted in the Spagat-Schritt books having undergone literary examination and a longer period of research. It is a sign of Martin Mühleis, the evil film macher Romane or erzählungen erected and on that basis almost a “Drehbuch” for the theater adaptation story. So the own standards and uncontrolled investments – with the pure installation of a fruitful Vorlage gift are no longer so good.