
Unterer Inn: Verbund starts with renaturation of the stauräume

The Verbund started the renaturation of a lone Stauräume at the Lower Inn in the Rahmen des Life-Naturschutzprojekts Riverscape Lower Inn. Started with the weeding recovery of the aufhausener Lacke at Innkraftwerk Egglfing-Obernberg.

OBERNBERG. The drainage of the inns is a silent water source in the war of the inns in Egglfing-Obernberg, which over the years the eintrag of sand and sediments on natural high bodies of water becomes more and more landless. Since 2022, the Lacke has been ganzjährig trocken en mittlerweile erobert Schilf de Fläche. “If the rest of the woman lies, there is no natural development of the feinsedimente of erreichen, which the Monaten in the Rahmen of LIFE-Projekten that have not yet been completed,” reported in a press conference. The planted Bauvorhaben will in the narrower Abstimmung with the sister Fachbehörden im Zuge der Gewässerunterhaltung umgesetzt and the Worker inheritance swiss October 2024 and March 2025 under ökologischer Aufsicht.

Augewässer als wertvoller Lebensraum

The “new” Aufhausener Lacke and the adjacent area were opened as a natural reservoir. After the fertigstellung, the still lifes were then labeled for a year and in the Auen inn as a fuller water for fish and wax gels used by amphibians and insects. It is possible to work with Flachwasser zones and deep green areas. During the connection between the fish zone and the inn, the fish were collected when feeding would occur. The Flachwasserreiche depends on a perfect water surface for fish and young dishes for gründelnde wasservögel.

Photo: Verbund

The connection to the inn is at the location of the river flow, a rapid weeding through the eintrag of schweb substances that may be caused by avoidance. Other projects of the Ökologie projects have also been carried out, while the augewässer has now found one of the current flussabwärts and the Fluss angeschlossen have become long.

Teile der Au in Reichersberg von Schluff befreit (including video)

EU initiatives for the Lebensraum and the improvement of the Lower Inns




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