
Does religious fundamentalism at the heart matter?

Does religious fundamentalism at the heart matter?

Lasionsnetzwerk-Mapping says:

Robert Klatt

Gehirnuntersuchung offenbart biological Ursache für Fundamentalismus

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Religious Fundamentalism comes into common cultures. An analysis of the Gehirnsstructurekturen said now, ob the Gehirne of religious Fundamentalists biological Unterschiede besitzen.

Boston (USA). Scientists from Brigham and Women’s Hospital have launched a publication in the Fachmagazin Biological Psychiatry in 2021, the sin for spirituality and religion have entered another world of human confusion. If the operation is performed during the operation, the religious implications of the patient or the ab. It is worth gold if the spirituality is strong with neurobiological functions.

Forscher of Harvard Medical School (HMS) has researched the knowledge of religious fundamentalists and has found an organic brand name. Religious fundamentalism is a phenomenon that exists and is known in many cultures, that fundamentalists stop in the light of the only truth and that other people often relate to the faith.

Gehirnstruktur von 190 Menschen-analyse

Laut der Publikation im Fachmagazin PNAS has the Wissenschaftler für ihre Study of the Behavioral Structures of 190 analyzed people, the unjustified Hirnschäden in Treatment were unearthed. The damage was caused by trauma, trauma and schlaganfälle ausgelöst.

“We use Läsionnetzwerk-Mapping, a technique that identifies the mithilfe of Konnektivitätsdaten functional gehirnnetzwerke.”

The mapping of welding networks led to a psychological approach to religion and ultimately to the emergence of the religious fundamentalism of the professional ties.

Neuronal Network in der Rechts Hirnhälfte

The analysis of the brain structures said that the neuronal network quickly loses all its rights in the brain, through the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the inferior parietal flaps and the rectus orbitofrontal cortex, with religious fundamentalism in connection.

“If any networking takes place in the region, the fundamental religious foundation of the fundamental faith will be damaged.”

These combined Gehirnareale hören zum Stirnlokken und Scheitellappen, also Bereiche des Organs, which are for the Überprüfen of Arguments and the logical thinking and separate. The study says that the damage in the current region is one of the religious fundamentalisms of the faith. A problem with financing people can be that money is given out for free. The Forscher is one of the insights, the faith and religious fundamentalism is identical to the neurological Grundlage.

“The functional network associated with fundamentalism works together with the localization of the Hirnläsionen, which is connected with the best neuropsychiatric and verbal relations.”

Laut de Wissenschaftlern sollten die Ergebnisse jedoch nicht überinterpretiert. People with entsprechenden Gehirnschäden are not automatically Fundamentalists.

“Viele Factorten zum Fundamentalismus bei, darunter affective, cognitive, erahrungsbezogene, smart, familial, institutional, entwicklungsbezogene and cultural variables.”

Biological psychiatry, doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2021.06.016)

PNAS, doi: 10.1073/pnas.2322399121