
DAX-Ausblick: Es wird exciting – DER AKTIONÄR

DAX-Ausblick: Es wird exciting – DER AKTIONÄR

In the new world a flute from Quartalszahlen played on the other, especially in the USA. Dort is a high punkt of the published message session. Fast 800 US-Unternehmen legen Geschäftszahlen voor, darunter funf der sieben Magnificent-7-Unternehmen. This is the case in the Wahlkampf-Endspurt – Der Wochenausblick.

The battle that the DAX brought with it has come to an end. Zu Handelsschluss am Freiag represents a Plus of 0.1 Prozent on 19,463 Punkten zu Buche for the German Leitindex. Der Wochenverlust betracht een Prozent.

“Langsam puts a lighter Stille on the capital market,” wrote Ulrich Kater, chief executive of the DekaBank, with Blick on the US presidential elections in the US economy. You can perform the response to the Konjunkturdaten as a son. The extensive Ifo-Geschäftsklima, the most important German Konjunktur-Barometer, serves as a Kurstreiber for the Wochenende.

In the new world, messages from the Unternehmen will appear in full display. It is gold plated for Germany and for everyone in the US. The general trade war is now a hot war for the Kommenden Tage. Please note that the economy has reached a higher level, investment activities are continuing, and economic growth is taking place. It’s exciting.

It is thus more gilded if the previous Zahlen sees an incomplete image. “These bisherigen Zahlen zur laufenden Berichtssaison können nicht completelynds überzeugen”, he is von der LBBW. “The dynamics of the Gewinn-Abwärts overhaul will go a long way – especially for Europe.”

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If the Quartalszahlen are no longer active, this is not the case. Auch der US-Präsidentschaftswahlkampf goes into the separated Runde. It appears that Altpresident Donald Trump would like to live in his country. “I think that the financing of the financial markets with the Trump campaign started at once with the creation of the ‘Trump 2.0’-Präsidentschaft,” said Robert Greil, chief strategist at the private bank Merck Finck.

The German Aktienmarkt is the agenda that the service can fulfill. Dann performs, among other things, in the Special Chemie Konzern CovestroSporting goods-Riese Adidas and the Fluggesellschaft Lufthansa your Geschäftszahlen. I follow the weight of the chemical composition BASF and der Autobauer Volkswagen.

In the US, the price of the American index S&P 500 was followed more closely in the US. It can be a big challenge if you can use more of the time Alphabet, Meta, Microsoft, Amazon and Apple. One of the messages that indicates the direction of the individual markets is that the Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW) has an Ausblick-schreibt.

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According to the German Leitindex DAX, he is active for the US-Wahl in Deckung, writes Kapitalmarktstrategie Jürgen Molnar from Handelshaus RoboMarkets: “You are no longer in the United States looking for an American republican president in the White House after the Umfragen and Wettquote eh wird , it is true that the fear in Germany is not increasing and that the Frankfurter Börse is one of the reasons for that Szenario zu.”

While Wall Street stood for a maximum part of the American stock trading, the Europäischen Sorgen went further next time: “Mit Zöllen and Gegenzöllen were able to generate an export with a German country that had suffered a damage of 180 billion euros in the next four years, forecasting future German Economic Institute.”

Flute and Konjunkturdaten

If you don’t remember anything, it is also not high quality Wirtschaftsdaten. Inflation in Germany in the Mittwoch follows the inflation on the Euroraum in the Donnerstag. “Inflation in the eurozone will last about 1.9 percent of shares in October,” said Ulrich Kater, chief executive of DekaBank, at the party.

Nor more zu bieten haben die USA. I’m keeping the gross domestic product data in a quarter of the program and giving a bigger boost to the American nut bank. “Those long-term themes and the likely prognosis of the German Abkühlung will not reach that same world,” so the Volkswirte der Helaba.

The US Labor Market Report on Freitag dared to take a closer look. “Für Oktober dürften die Zahlen, trotz der Hurrikans am Monatsanfang, nur etwas schwächer ausfallen”, thus the Helaba. It may be that one of the hearts of the American economy is another dämpfen. Gleiches gilded entries for Zinssenkungs-Erwartungen. (With material from dpa-AFX)

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