
Dieser Lost Place am Meer is a Schlager

Dieser Lost Place am Meer is a Schlager

Imagine a wonderful hotel in Croatia, the Einrichtung in Trümmern, and the Wänden bunte Graffiti. If you see, the Fensterscheibe is more beneficial. Plötzlich biegt een Frau ums Eck en geht Richtung Ausgang. Think of a coat, high heels and a small suitcase. In a normal hotel, people say: One guest checks out. Over 20 years of learning Lost Place?!

Mittlerweile is clear: the lady who keeps the women of Dreharbeiten for some ‘erwachsenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenentenfilms’ or an ‘erotic’ photo shoot. Lately the legendary Hotel Haludovo on the island of Krk has been a fact, it is so serious that it lasts a long time with the sexy “Geist” from the music video of the best Schlagersängerin Charlien. Seeing that Kulisse is ‘unheimlich’. And then, my history of the selttogether Gestalt in the outfit you will know. Falls Sie jetzt auf de Geschmack is kommen als: The area is free to explore and search on Google Maps to find. Mut, Begleitung orboth mitnehmen!

Insel for Grado and Penthouse in Lignano zu haben

If you win the Lotto, here are two tips: If a competition in Northern Italy makes a real estate project, you can use the Insel Orbi for Grado and a Penthouse in the Yacht Harbor in Lignano.

Erster Starbucks in Venedig eröffnet

Is this functional? Auch in Venedig there is a Starbucks. You are in the Lagunestadt fuß zu Fassen, hat the American Kette auf ain Angebot viewet, for that you can still enjoy it: There is no “Coffee to go” available.

In Grado badet man auch jetzt noch im Meer

Author Stefan Maiwald has written on the Lieblingsinsel for a number of years and regularly contributed to the Kleine Zeitung about the Alltag in Grado. Diesmal hat is a good and smart solution. Die gute: In der Adria man auch jetzt (End of October!) nor einigermaßen gut bathen. That bad one: Grado schrumpft.

A journey to Geschmack von Istrien

Piran and Portorož are no longer immediately informed. If you take a backcountry tour, you can explore all the cultural and recreational boats. Kollegin Nina Müller hat kostenet – en gebadet (cousin in the hinterland, under the lake).

Drei Schwestern is enthroned on the Grappa-Olymp

The Brennerei Nonino near Udine revolutionized the Grappa Restoration and power with Aperitif Furore 50 years ago. Three Schwestern – Antonella, Elisabetta and Cristina Nonino – are home to high-quality family secrets and traditions.

Artistic Kulinarik with Burgtheater Flair

It’s “goose fatastique”! A culinary-literary translation idea by Martin Kušej, Lojze Wieser and Hannes Tschemernjak (Photo) taken from Tournee. Start is Mid November at Faaker See in Kärnten. I have found the complete Alpe-Adria-Region after the best Specialty combination in Vorfeld.

Pordenone is the lively city of Italy

I am an interdisciplinary research that has kürt the life-changing city of Italy. Zweimal was the South Tyrolean Bozen vorne, dieses Jahr hat Stadt in Friaul-Julisch Venetien das Rennen gemacht. The Überraschungssieger is Pordenone.