
So find the serious provider in Switzerland

So find the serious provider in Switzerland

Wem hilft Coaching? A schmaler Grat zwischen Esoterik und serial Hilfe. Image description: Two silhouettes of two people overblend a half slope, half dunklen Hintergrund. I'm Gehirn...

The Chaos in the Kopf world, the most diverse life coaches of clients and customers.Image: watson/imago

Win with Erfüllung

Pseudo-research courses, thanks to marketing. So earn our life coaches with money, with the series «Profit mit Erfüllung» that is determined. Trotzdem has acquired a good knowledge of the business. Weshalb? Was there a power over a good Coach?

Aylin Erol

Yes, this is the case: the ‘good’ life coaches. Jene, little Scharlatane since. That cousin turned the Einstieg into a sect. The quality of your knowledge can increase even further, but you can also expect the lighting of your construction. That’s what Eric Lippmann says. There is a professor of psychology in the ZHAW and war from 2002 to 2024. Leader for study coaching.

Lippmann indicates that these ‘good’ life coaches have been found in such an opaque market, in their search for pseudo-knowledge and gurus, which is not that easy.

There were serious and non-serious coaches separated

“Hell-hörg solte man would ever become when Heilversprachen were given power,” said Lippmann. The clear coaching paths of Psychotherapy are from one to the other. It is an inseparable series recommendation from an indefinite series. Diese Grenze sollte Lippmann knows no one else. Before you get started yourself, private individuals and firms can in the context of their coaching, penetrate their years as psychological family therapies.

“The setting and the fragmentation, with the man in therapy and coaching, are confrontational, without a doubt,” Lippmann said. When you use coaching, you don’t end up in psychotherapy treatment. Under the treatment of no Krankheitsbilder, there are jewelry that are a clear example. A Soul, it is possible to make your own choice from the following steps. Denn Lippmann has a lot of coaching in the Auftrag of Unternehmen by, the beispielsweise in his Führungskräfte weiterbilden mag.

Eric Lippmann, professor at ZHAW

Eric Lippmann, coach and professor for long psychology of the ZHAW.Image: nvg

Viele Anbieter, insondere private Coaching-Ausbildungsstätten, geben an, diese Grenze einzuhalten. They show: They are now working with “healthy people”.

Grundsätzlich stimulated Lippmann dieser Haltung zu. Findet is a look at reality. “Was bedeutet schon gesund?”, Lippmann frags. Mental health is a spectrum. If a woman finds out, a man may have a mental disorder and perform a “coach bar” session. If I receive psychotherapy treatment in coaching the themes, I will never be able to treat again. And black with a simple Grund:

«In a serial coaching, the Schwerpunkt lies on the berufllichen context.»

«Profit with Erfüllung», part 2:

So find a man a good coach

The Haltung, those coaches are now on the deprived contexts that sollen, vertritt auch der Berufsverband für Coaching, Supervision und Organisationsberatung BSO. Lippmann’s Tipp all, die auf der Suche nach einem Coach since, lautet deshalb:

«Prüft, ob der Coach Mitglied beim BSO ist.»

These set and supreme quality standards among coaches in Switzerland. So if a coach has obtained a diploma in coaching, organizational science or supervision, he may be rewarded.

«Profit with inheritance», part 3

If I’m no longer in therapy, I can’t go to therapy anymore, but a coach is. It may be that ‘blockages are released’, ‘stress heals’ and ‘intuition becomes strong’. So contact the coaches on their websites. Klingt verheissungsvoll. And if the man goes wrong, he goes crazy. It seems that Coaching-Business in Switzerland with the triple series “Profit with success” is on the Grund.
Three sons in Folge ask us: Wer mischt alles op Coaching-Markt met? (Part 1) How does a man earn money in the industry? (Part 2) Why would you like to receive coaching for valuable people? (Cultivation 3)

The BSO recognition is no guarantee for good coaching, stop Lippmann fest. Den:

«Ob mein Coach über genügend Praxis versügt, kannn auch der BSO nicht guarantee.»

Lippmann compares coaches with surgeons: A surgeon can visualize all possible images and recognitions. If a rez-OP is a man who prefers to work with jenem machen, the regularity will only work through. Lippmanns zweiter Tipp ist deshalb:

«Geht über Empfehlungen.»

Damit meint Lippmann aber explicitly not the Empfehlungen, the man found online. Etwa on Google. Those who are the first part of the series may be interested in the city of Zurich, so you can view all Life-Coaches on Maps with nice terns.

watson-Serie: Profit with Erfüllung: Undercover in a Life-Coach-Ausbildung of the Coach Akademie Schweiz, which goes beyond aggressive marketing. Seltsamerweise has a lifetime...

If you find a “Life-Coach” in the city of Zurich on Google Maps, you will practically find a Nur Dienstleister with a 5-star rating.Image: Google Maps screenshot

Von diesen Online-Bewertungen stopped Lippmann nichts. “If you want to solve or manipulate a problem, shrewd decisions become a fact..” Lippmann works on the Empfehlungen with the own Umfeld-vertrauen, with Leuten pronunciation, which some Coach schon Erfahrungen is gesammelt haben. But after that Ansatz could also live happily ever after.

«Profit with inheritance», part 1:

With Esoteric zum Glück? Yes, stuffy Placeboeffekt

It’s a great experience, the positive experiences with life coaches have never become Lippmann’s definition of “serious” coaching. Life-Coaches, who use healing machines, with pseudo-science and esoteric methods, which are in their coaching cousin on the beruflichen context, will improve the severity of the severity of schizophrenia. One of the skills and abilities that can be practiced.

After reviewing the emails and comments, our editorial team ranks first, both of which appeared in the series. A teacher writes: “My coach has no psychological education, but I can help him even more, my trauma will be experienced as the psychologists before me.” Another note:

“Coaching is absolutely responsible for future life changes.”


One person wrote in our comment:

«If the evidentiary basis of the Wissenschaft vertraut hätte is, where this vermutlich is no longer here. (…) Mir hat der wieschaftliche Weg nicht geholfen, im Gegenteil. The alternative path with a human being with the empathetic war that hinges on my purposeful path and how I can relax.”


Who can it be, that is what Lippmann’s Definition “unseriöse life coaches” of the science they can help? Auch darauf hat Lippmann an Antwort:

“My Coaching Business is such that it is a place.”

That’s right: Coachings were done by the students and they were able to do this, but they were happy, that was the end. So whoever helps Globuli against Prüfungsangst, Liebeskummer and Schnupfen, so long man daran glaubt.

Wed Psychotherapy hintercommemorated

It is no longer possible to use any more Gründe, we will no longer see our human life coaches. Even with esoteric and pseudo-science theories about the Coach Academy Switzerland, the part of the series will be tested undercover. A Grund is the real coach and coachee. «Dieses ist von Afang an else as in der Psychotherapie», hält Lippmann fest.

Signal Coach suche man sich meistens self aus. This is not possible with psychotherapy. Carry out the desired form of therapy. “It may be that the human being is a therapeutic therapy and a patient that is so over, that the coach and the client are so good,” Lippmann said. When you are in therapy or a coaching session, you have a major influence on the situation you may experience.

Der zweite Grund: «It is a human basic gut, from which one is serious and heard. And it is a great gut, with our self-use in other business.” Deshalb Lippmann’s Fazit for Esoteric Experienced Life Coaches:

“There is no harm, no benefit.”

Dasselbe is gold plated by Lippmanns, focused on the various Life-Coach-Ausbildungsstätten.

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