
HSG Varel II and HG Jever/Schortens verlieren hauchdünn

HSG Varel II and HG Jever/Schortens verlieren hauchdünn

The Verbandsliga-Handballer from HSG Varel II has delivered his best performance, neither out of hand. Hause Hoykenkamp’s HG Team plays a role in the Landesliga.

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Varel/Schortens – Jewelry with a lone hit must be in the Handballer of HSG Varel II and a class of HG Jever/Schortens geschlagen geben.

Verbandsliga: HSG Grüppenbühren/Bookholzberg II – HSG Varel II 27:26 (15:16). Bitter feelings for the Niederlage in the season game have not fallen for the Vareler team Trainer duo Thore Linda / Helge Janssen. They were happy that the guests were in this Keller duel over the past stretches in the Front and were now in a single situation in the back position – three Sekunden vor Schluss beim Siegreffer der Hausherren.

Von den Spielerinnen unverschuldete Bruchlandung: Die Handballerinnen der HSG Varel (schwarz-rote Trikots) since vom Verbandsliga-Spielbetrieb be zurückuck.

“We were happy with the best manhood”, especially Linda, who was proud of this entire team, with a great chance of success. While we were the Vareler, it was the von a Fingerbruch genes Kevin Langer from the first time, with a Drei-Tore-Führung (24:21/53. Minute) in the Crunchtime corridors. “If it is the case that you take the sichere out of the closet,” Linda and the power for all people who are engaged in playing the games in the season becomes as the Grund for the plötzlichen Leistungsabfall aus: “Man takes plötzlich the Unsicherheit in all Teilen der Mannschaft. Now read on and letzten they clear his playing minutes. Winnst du Solch ein Spiel in 95 Prozent der Fälle.”

At the score of 26:24 on the HSG site, Linda had to deal with an “unknown swimming minute penalty” with a post goal from the Vareler from the freer Wurf position. So the Housekeepers could 16 Sekunden vor dem Abpfiff first wieder ausgleichen – 26:26. It is not that a person has more time to play or play. I got lost on the Siegtreffer due to staying on the ball and cashiering everything separate pace at 26:27.

“The world is not without power, but it is also not a burden,” so Linda: “Aber wir wollen trotzdem im nächsten Spiel gegen Daverden alles raushauen. Mund abwischen, weiter geht’s!”

Landesliga: HG Jever/Schortens – TS Hoykenkamp 25:26 (12:12). In the Verfolgerduell der Tablelennachbarn, both teams gave their best. The power of everyone who had this great Cleverness and Abgezocktheit of the guest was all by Spielertrainer Andre Haake, the little one, without any doubt.

In yet another game, Team is absent more than Treffer. Angeführt vom wurfstarken Silas Fink had gone to the Front after the Pause at 10:20 PM (50.). But in Unterzahl there will be a hintermeet at 10:23 PM (52.). 64 Sekunden vor Abpfiff markierte Fink op 25:25-Ausgleich, kassierte 19 Sekunden später aber a Zwei-Minute-Strafe, was Hoykenkamp zum 26:25 nutzte.

The HG-Trainer duo Henning Cassens/Enno Bruhnken has undergone training and training for the 18th playing session, the results of which have not been consistently played in the Anschluss. Insgesamt haderten the Trainer zu fell Fehlwürfen.

Henning Busch