
Claas Jaguar is getting a new V-Flex Häcksel drum and a new Pick up

Claas Jaguar is getting a new V-Flex Häcksel drum and a new Pick up

Claas hat for the Jaguar 900 and 800 Baureihen a new Reihe new innovation market reif. Rückmeldungen von Vorserien-Kunden met meer danspruchsvollen Einsatzprofilen würden de Mehrwert der neuertechnologie-bestätigen, heißt es.

V-FLEX Häckseldrum for JAGUAR 900

A meilenstein in Häcksel drum technology marks the repairer of the new V-Flex drum. Optionally, the V-Max chopping drum has high quality and is light thanks to new designs that have a higher level of best results. The Zusammenspiel with the new V-Flex-Messern is such that the Messerstandzeiten come out and how high the Durchsätze is when the Häckselqualität erreichen.

Claas Jaguar Feldhäcksler works with the V-Classic (Jaguar 800) and V-Max (Jaguar 900/900 Terra Trac) Häckselrommel. Fortan is another optional drum variant for the Jaguar 900/900 Terra Trac Baureihen with the V-Flex.

Thanks to the new designs with the optimal V-Winkel and the new V-Flex-Messer ermöglicht diese Häckseltrommel higher through the duration of the gleichzeitiger Senkung of the Geräusch levels and Verbesserung der Laufruhe. Before everything at the Häcksellängen upperhalb would be 12 mm, a spürbar gleichmäßigerer Gutfluss would be there.

If you set the high Messerstabilität and the Dreifachen Schraubverbindung to a smaller level, soft drinks will still be of better quality. Of all the optimization gains on efficiency: Pro Tonne Durchsatz is the Kraftstofverbrauch weiter reduziert, Verspricht Claas.

The V-FLEX Drum is available in four versions with 20, 24, 28 and 36 knives, erhältlich and weld with fuller and softer Schnittlängenerweiterung with half and drittel Messerbestückung as well as with Halbmessern bestücken. There is a light finishing touch with the V-FLEX 36, a flexible cutlery with 36 messers in full-messer operation, with 12 messer in three-way cutlery, with 18 messers in half-messer operation or with the new variant with 36 half-messers for a wide variety of cutting lengths for the cutlery and high quality Schnittqualität.

Damit ermöglichen V-FLEX 20, 24, 28 and 36 universal Schnittlängenspektrum from minimum 3.5 to maximum 53 mm. In most cases, all Messerrommels can be combined with MCC Shredlage Corncracker in combination with MCC Classic and MCC Max.

New V-FLEX-Messer: Weniger Verschleiß for longer Einsatzzeiten

The new and patented knives of the V-FLEX knife drum have become lighter and lighter at 10 degrees from the knife shop. The basis of the 23 mm strong sliding protection protection is that the blades have extremely wider positions and can be fitted in anyone. Focused on the durability, the costs in the Häckselkette for Landwirte and Lohnunternehmer were further optimized.

Angenietete Wurfschaufeln gewährleisten einen homogenen Abtransport des Ernteguts. The V-FLEX cutter is ideal as a grass-and-corn cutter. The Befestigung am hoch verschleißfesten Grundkörper erfollowed with jeweils drei Schrauben and dazugehörigen Klemmstücken (Halbmesser: your two Schrauben und Klemmstücke). Thanks to the predefined position of the Messer on the Drum, the Messerwechsel is very empty, an Ausrichten of the Messer on the Gegenschneide is not inherited.

The operation of the Schleifeinrichtung was new and not considered more friendly by Claas. The combination of the operating options “Messerschleifen” and “separates Einstellen der Gegenschneide” cannot be taken one step further, nor can it become more convenient: the combination of the Messerschleifen and the Einstellen of the Gegenschneide can be completed a simple Schleifzyklen in just one minute, and all that once with a fingertip in CEBIS.

If the sensor base will optimize the setting of the gegenschneide. For all Abbläufe there is a Statusanzeige with the Prozesszeit, Zustandsbeschreibung and visualization of Abblauf in Cebis. Dadurch can enjoy the Fahrer Stillstandzeiten better experiences and the Wartezeiten optimal ausnutzen. The previous switching intervals apply to the duration or suspension on the basis of the quantitative measured value.

Corncracker: Meer Drehzahldifferenz und meer Platz

The Claas Multi Crop Cracker Concept (MCC) with MCC Classic, MCC Max and MCC Shredlage can be used several times with Corn Cracker constructions and variants for the high quality grain and rest preparation of the cut and length of the cut.

For the MCC classic with the Sägezahn profile and the MCC Max with Schneid- and Scherwirkung through a zigzagging ring segment, the difference in intensity could be a more intensive Kornaufbereitung of 30 to 40% erhöht. For the MCC Classic there is an option for a Feinverzahnung with 190 Sägezähnen for small Körner with beispielsweise Sorghum erhältlich.

Such Wartungsraum is now more Platz for the One- and Ausheben of the Corncracker and is lighter than the Umbau. That’s it: Weniger Rüstzeiten in der Kampagne – stay tuned for more time.

CSPS analysis via smartphone and CLAAS connect

The CSPS-Wert (Corn Silage Processing Score/Kornaufbereitungsgrad) is a heavier quality cutter for the work of Körnerprozessoren. Bisher wars are now possible, which will be fought by Labor. Claas proposes Landwirten und Lohnunternehmern mit a single Anwendung in Claas now connect a first time a Lösung zur Verfügung, with its der CSPS unmittelbar innerhalb few Minuten to Häckseln in Feld ermitteln lässt.

For the conditions of use, a liter probe of the hacksel gouge will be used and displayed as a single probe on a feed of DIN A4 large blue plastic tablets. The study was carried out with the smartphone photography and running a server experience, while the minutes went from the annoyance to the smartphone recording. It is possible that the corncracker will disable the correction settings if there are serious problems. The Ergebnis is a consistent recording of the gewünschten bzw. Geforderten Aufbereitungsqualität – insbesondere beim Lohnhäckseln in Abstimmung mit dem Kunden.

PICK UP 300: Optimierter Gutfluss and less Verluste

In the range of the Pick Up300, the geometry of the neck is optimal and with four different ways to reach the mushrooms. There was still not a single Gutfluss experience that was positive about the duration of development. Die flchen oder gezahnten Abdeck-bzw. The differences between the Förderpaddel are different.

Das Staubnetz is now the complete equipment of the Pick Up ab. More and more devices will be used to reduce wind protection, and there will always be fun with small maintenance or alfalfa blättern. The large net is light if it is a gut. View of Fahrersitz auf the Gutfluss. Das Staubnetz is intended for warfare and a single hint for solving problems.

Weitere Neuheiten in Kürze

A new Carraro back road with 9 t Traglast and 10-Loch-Felgen ermöglicht as Power Trac Variante die Allradzuschaltung under Last. It is possible that the standard drive is used for the Power Trac Allradachse track wideners by Spacer and spursstangenerweiterungen from 460 bzw. 620 mm possible.

By double-clicking on the CMotion fahrhebel, the Fahrer can exclude an “Automatic Wagenwechsel” function for the automatic Car Filling System Auto Fill. The Auswurfklappe-steuert thennn with maximum Geschwindigkeit an for her absolute Position an, sosss the Wechsel während der Fahrt with minimum Delight and maximum Comfort for Häckslerfahrer and Abfahrer abläuft.


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