
Hotel am Gardasee: Welche Prüfung Simone Ballack jetzt bevorsteht

Hotel am Gardasee: Welche Prüfung Simone Ballack jetzt bevorsteht

Simone Ballack (48) has tormented Munich and created a new Lebensmittelpunkt in Italy. With the help of the Gardasee, the Bayerina can also start their own hotels. In the Vergangen monates, their fans are informed about the renovation work. And now the Ex-Spielerfrau support a further Hürde.

Simone Ballack listens to sublayers: Welche Prüfung at work

In her Instagram Story, Simone Ballack tells her fans that she flutters when she learns. Freudig bättert die 48-Jährige through official documents. Darauf steht geschrieben: “Prüfungsunterlagen für die Feststellung der Eignung zur Führung eines gastgewerblichen Betriebes.” Ergänzend fügt Ballack hinzu: “Für Italien.” It is also important that the seriousness of the matter is increased by the Unternehmerin and its Herzensprojekt.

Simone Ballack has had an important task. It's about my nun in my Instagram story.
Simone Ballack has had an important task. It’s about my nun in my Instagram story.
© instagram/simoneballack
Simone Ballack has had an important task. It’s about my nun in my Instagram story.

from instagram/simoneballack


“Augenringe since quickly changed”: Simone Ballack takes care of skin care treatment

Once it’s time to reach the age of 48, Simone Ballack explains in her great size. The first thing you can do is an unchanged beauty treatment. With Lachssperma it would be a Münchner Schönheits-Doc in the Augenringen of the Kampf. On social media it is said: “My augenringe is quickly sold.”

Promi-Aufgebot in Munich: Zur "McDonald's"-Spendengala kamen zahlreiche bekannte Gesichter. A large amount was like that.

This promise comes to the “McDonald’s” Gala in Munich


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From the Kompetenz ihres Beauty-Docs it is true that Simone Ballack will never have to deal with another treatment again. If the equity of the house, the house and the department 48 years in the Bayerischen Hauptstadt refresh, it is worth going to the Gardasee.

Dort can also meet Simone Ballack with new Selbstbewusstsein his Herzensprojekt women. It is absolutely impossible to increase the powerful power fraud by expanding the managed business activities.