
Trump wrote a Wählerstimmen in Herzen Manhattans

Trump wrote a Wählerstimmen in Herzen Manhattans

New York (dpa) – There are a few gemeintogether with Tech-Milliard Elon Musk and other prominent Unterstützern that American presidential candidate Donald Trump has given a Wählerstimmen in Kampf a White House in the liberal East Coast metropolis of New York. I am in Madison Square Garden with 20,000 inhabitants of the 78-year-old Republikaner with personal fear on his contrahentin Kamala Harris tells a greater Jubel – a Reihe van Unwahrheiten about the Democrats who were on the migration policy days.

Musk praises the power politics under Trump – with his Zutun – and: “Die Zukunft wird großartig”, Rief is der Menge zu. Trump said: “A dem Tag, a dem ich meinen Amtseid kan, ends the invasion of migrants in our country and the wiederaufbau our country begins.” If you end up in the Wahlkampf world, you can meet Frau Melania Trump and speak to the wrestling star Hulk Hogan in Manhattan in the episode.

Wild Stories from New York

With the power in the big American city, one of the senior Democrats, Trump would have an offensive position. If one of the republican parliamentary candidates survives, a government office and a seat in the American Congress will die in a Rennen government in the Bundesstaat after the Wahl on November 5.

Hailing from the New York city of Queens, Trump explained that there was a real estate boom in New York in the 1970s and 1980s when his country played a prominent role. The tests of the polarizing Wahlkampf 2016 were likely Trump’s liberal New Yorkers and their right-wing populist political power.

Zuletzt war der mittlerweile in Florida live Politiker on other roads Gerichtterminen immer wieder zu Gast in Manhattan. Dort Wurde is the end of the road of the Verschleierung van Schweigegeldzahlungen and a Pornodartellerin as an erster ehemaliger US-Präsident a Verbrechens owed.