
Surgeons and surgeons are very suicidal, according to their Querschnitt study

Surgeons and surgeons are very suicidal, according to their Querschnitt study

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Fragment: Who is one of the biggest health concerns of surgical procedures and surgeons?

Antwort: Uh bad. Surgeons and surgeons are very depressed, from anxiety and post-traumatic traumatic experiences. Jede(r) Siebte hat schon an Suizid Thought, Frauen häufiger als Männer.

Bedeutung: Psychological problems and problems can be a significant problem during the surgical procedure.

Registration: Querschnittstudy with relatively small Antwortquote, with systematic Verzerrungen der Resulte muss gechnet zijn.

Boston. High Labor Tax, traumatic experience and a cultural inner half of the Berufsgruppe, the inanspruchnehmen of Hilfsangeboten stigmatize: All dies since Factors, the gerade Ärztinnen and Ärzte einem hohen Risiko aussetzen, and ihrer Psyche Schaden zu nehmen.

Psychiatric examinations, which are often not examined, substanzmissbrauch and suizidgedanken pose the inner problem of the Ärzteschaft dar. Medical advice is significantly higher in the entire population, and surgical removal is one of the main risks.

Eine von Reagan Collins (Abteilung für Chirurgie des Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston) has founded a research group dealing with the enormous scale of surgical operations, investigating chefs and doctors, in a Querschnitt study study (Ann Surg 2024; online 1. März).

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622 Pro Tires in Study

These layers are dated from 622 Teilnehmenden vor, bei een geschätzten Antwortrate von 11.4–14.0 Prozent. 26.1 problems with the answers can be diagnosed with a huge amount of experience for.

The screening yielded a valid instrument of 15.9 percent positive for depression due to depression. For a lower rate of 18.4 Prozent, for Alcohol Miss Brauch of 11.0 Prozent and for post-traumatic Tax Disorder (PTSS) for 17.3 Prozent.

Probanden, die von medizinischen Fehlern Messeneten, litten häufiger an Depression (30.7 Prozent versus 13.3 Prozent), Anxieties (31.6 Prozent versus 16.2 Prozent) and PTSD (12.8 Prozent versus 5.6 Prozent), One of the Griff-zu alcohol wars is still broken when it comes to the use of alcohol, while there was not a single Fehler (18.7 Prozent versus 9.7 Prozent). These differences were all statistically significant.

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Insgesamt 13,2 Prozent der Befragten, als practically een von sieben, gaben an, im vorangegaanen Jahr an Suizid Thought zu haben. 9.6 Prozent hatten das noch in de zwei Wochen vor der Befragung getan.

The risks of suicide would have been a mental shock in the anamnesis (Odds Ratio (OR) 1.97), ebenso by a positive screen for depression (OR 4.30) and for PTSD (OR 3.93).

Is it one of the things you can’t do in the Geschlechtern?

Frauen in der Chirurgie were stärker von Suizidgedanken plagt as male (OR 1.69).

After the position in the hierarchy of the deprived, who are now only surgical interventions and surgeons, this means a significant selection of suizidgedanken, which also results in orderly professionals (OR 0.39); If you act, this is one of the most beautiful four of the fragments.

Collins and his colleagues doing a different kind of research while Jobs did his job was one of the key things that got the Spitze out of the profession. Weiter, the man in his position has more control over his own work, there is an established Unterstützungssystem.

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Gesundheit von Erwerbstätigen

Was since Einschränkungen der Studie?

The study of the research may influence the result, the relative war and the group of answers may not be representative. Break the problem generation issues, on the fragments of the Forscher you want to answer.

The ergebnisse is primarily reflected in the situation in American business, and from student studies it is possible that the suizidrates among the American economies are higher than a European university colleges and colleges (PLoS One 2019; online 12. Dezember).

As you document these things, it is true that the European Mediziner is causing more suicides as populations are destroyed by war.

Ebenfall’s paper is the most important problem for women – none more so than the relatively higher suicide rate in surgery.

After all, this is the Ergebnissen-abzulesen: Die Lage scheint sich besonders in Europa zu bessern.