
Sein Motorrad is complete with other equipment

Sein Motorrad is complete with other equipment

  1. wading
  2. NRW

Sein Motorrad is complete with other equipment
Das Motorrad is nach dem Unfall and can also not acknowledge. © Andreas Eickhoff

Bei an Unfall on a Landstraße force a 17-Jähriger mit seinem Motorrad head-on in a BMW. There is no movement in the Unfallstelle. Weitere Menschen sind verletzt.

Verl – A 17-year-old motorcyclist is at Sonntagabend, October 27, Leben was killed in a head-on collision with an entgegenkommenden BMW on Paderborner Straße in Verl (NRW). Seine Sozia (18) was very busy, the BMW driver was slightly lost.

Jugendlicher (17) is in charge of Unfall: Signal Motorrad wird komplett auseinandergeissen

Such an accident, so the police einsatzleiterin and the accident, is vermutlich, if the BMW-Fahrer (35) from Paderborn wolllte for his fahrenden Pkw überholen. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt rerschte in diesem Bereich poet Nebel. The Mann War is about the Kaunitz route, if there is any indication of the Einmündung Rolandstraße on the Gegenfahrbahn-fuhr.

While the Aprilia is queuing in the connection with the Hauptscheinwerfers in the Dunkle Limousine. During the Wucht of the Zusammenpralls, the Motorrad will use other machines, while the Vordergabel will be removed from the Verankerung.

This BMW is the Unfall with the Zerstört completed by Motorrad.
This BMW is the Unfall with the Zerstört completed by Motorrad. © Andreas Eickhoff

Trümmerteile flew meterweit durch die Luft and blieben im majorßen Umkreis lie. Darunter also die both Helme der young Motorradfahrer.

The first time we were informed of the Wache Schloß Holte by the police at 7:57 p.m., we were few augenblicke später one of the Unfallstelle and versuchten, the Jugendlichen, der leblos op een Wiese lag, zu reanimière.

Zahlreiche Einsatzkräfte is intended for Unfallort

Since the time of the emergency response to the Notarzteinsatzfahrzeug at the Hövelhof, a Rettungswagen would be alarmed, more Rettungswagen would be required from the Verl and Schloß Holte zu der Unfallstelle. Später wurde nor any other notarzt from Gütersloh entsandt. Auch der Löschzug Verl rückte aus.

The Bemühungen der Rettungskräfte were letztlich vergebens, der jeune Mann verstarb an der Unfallstelle. That woman is said to have discussed and chatted about one of the accidents in the Elisabeth Hospital after the transport in Gütersloh. While you continue to deal with the high quality of the soft drink, the soft drink is as good as a special specialist look at the Schwerverletzte kümmerten.

Police closed the road after the accident

The police officers block the L757 for more traffic, the fire brigade unterstützten zunächst the Rettungsdienst and leuchtete the Unfallstelle aus.

Specialists from police stations from Münster are sure of all relevant matters, photographic research with a drought or a 3D scanner. Both vehicles were designed for further inspection.

A young Rollerfahrer was transported to Landstraße 586 near Ahlen with a wartenden Pkw and was therefore lost. Der Unfall ends up in a full barrier on the Straße.