
USA, Trump and Madison Square Garden: “Tornerà il sogno americano”

USA, Trump and Madison Square Garden: “Tornerà il sogno americano”

La corsa alla Casa Bianca en ormai arrives in the rush final: Trump’s disco in Madison Square Garden and a show

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Die Rede von Donald Trump al Madison Square Garden è a show of its own, with the tycoon ripe with his slogan that is famous, can provide a moment of decisive decision Wahleninvita tutti gli americani ad andare a votare in mass: “Dobbiamo wins with a huge scar“.

USA, Trump and Madison Square Garden: “Tornerà il sogno americano”

Gestern Abend, Donald Trump epoch impegnato a New Yorknell’fascinant location del Madison Square Gardenfor a final appearance made public for the first timeWahltag form 5. “So there you go with your messaggio di speranza: con il vostro voto Metterò fine all inflammations, much more il sogno americano. Siamo in testa in tutti gli Stati in bilico e fra new giorni conquisteremo la Casa Bianca” – There is Trumpf who had a big riferimento with one of his suoi cavalli di battaglia – “There is a Paese occupation by migrants, Mon the liberation begins on November 5. Lancerò il più ambizioso piano di espulsioni della storia”.

USA, Trump and Madison Square Garden: le parole sulla Harris

It is not possible to carry out a frontal attack without confronting Democratic candidates Kamala Harris: The orchestra of the maggiore tradimento della American historythe importation of criminals is the price of the whole world, of Venezuela in Congo.”