
Schwächelnde Chinese Modulpreise lösen CPIA-Mindestkostenleitlinie aus – pv magazine Deutschland

Schwächelnde Chinese Modulpreise lösen CPIA-Mindestkostenleitlinie aus – pv magazine Deutschland

In a new update for the PV magazine from OPIS, a division of Dow Jones, there is an overview of the most important trends in the global PV industry.

von pv magazine Global

The Chinese Module Marker (CMM), the OPIS benchmark rating for Topcon module from China, applies to 0.089 US-Dollar pro Watt Free-On-Board (FOB) China, with an indication of 0.085 and 0.099 US-Dollar pro Watts FOB. There is a sustainable Einkäufer full Tier-1 repairer that has issued the first quarters of 2025, but an aggressive charity premium for the coming years. Another market quelle uses one, if the Spot-Anzeigen-falls have become schwächer, the Hersteller-versuchen, are lower expenditures for the end dieses years abzubauen.

Topcon module, which was launched on the market in the fourth quarter of 2024, is worth 0.090 US Dollar per Watt on a CIF basis (Cost, Versicherung und Fracht), i.e. the market value. In the Zwischenzeit Topcon module would be delivered in the first half of the 2025 with a light Abschlag angeboten, against 0.080 US-Dollar per Watt CIF Sudostasien lag.

On the Chinese domestic market, a price is paid for the Topcon module in the Wochenvergleich of 2.19 Prozent to 0.716 Yuan at 0.10 US-Dollar per Watt nach. In no time you can pay the price for the Mono-PERC module from 2.25 Prozent to 0.694 Yuan per Watt. The Schwächere Stimmung is in first line on the rückläufigen Preise at Ausschreibungen für Großanlagen zurückzuführen, the spot prize on the Inlandsmarkt unter Druck setzt haben.

The China Photovoltaic Industry Association (CPIA) in October set the photovoltaic module cost and production cost for n-type M10 series double-sided modules at 0.68 Yuan per Watt strength. Dieser Schritt dies darauf ab, das bieten unter de kosten, das die Branche beeinträchtigt hat, inzudämmen.

In Europe, the price for Topcon module remained unchanged from previous stabilization. OPIS estimated the Durchnittspreis with 0.103 Euro beziehungsweise 0.11 US-Dollar per Watt, with the additional costs of 0.085 Euro per Watt and a high value of 0.120 Euro per Watt.

The Topcon panel prices for European imports lost a value of 0.01 euros per watt in that month, which means that lower prices are probably no longer available, one of the Absatz offers, i.e. Quellen. Market assessors spread over part of the nachfrageschwäche in housing construction, complex generic paintahren and the lack of clarity about the longer-term economic conditions. Makler estimates the active bearing capacity in Western Europe at a capacity of 20 Gigawatts.

In the United States, the market is in a state of turmoil after a long period of Quellen on the Käuferseite. When November wasn’t that long ago, I focused on most questions going forward in 2025 and on the annoyance of the US presidential election in November and the AD/CVD conference at the end of November.

If you start at the beginning of the years, you have to pay the price in the high-speed line, and AD/CVD support is in full swing. After the best results have been achieved, for the first translations in this gilded month, the first time a problem has arisen. One of the things that is a charity is that the module stops in the world of the Dutzenden of Megawatt, paying 0.18 and 0.24 US dollars per Watt.

A Quelle, the module used in the US as a recovery of the economy, offers Topcon-Module DDP US a price of 0.25 US-Dollar pro Watt “plus/minus 10 Prozent” for the year 2025, a continuous davon , where they were assembled. The US module produced in Asia is used and offers a versatile solution and secretly inhaled aufweisen. Die Quelle says: “The market has made no distinction between the herkunftsländern zu. Also woolen we will jetzigen Zeitpunkt einfach nur Geschäfte abschließen. It is a changeable environment.”

— OPIS, ein Unternehmen von Dow Jones, bietet Energiepreise, Nachrichten, Daten und Analysen zu Benzin, Diesel, Düsentreibstoff, Flussiggas/NGL, Kohle, Metallen und Chemikalien as well as zu new Brennstoffen and Umweltgütern. During 2022, OPIS started preparing for the Singapore Solar Exchange and has now announced it OPIS APAC Solar Weekly Report. —

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