
Kreistag berät über Zukunft der Notaufnahme in Varel – Sitzung Anfang November

Kreistag berät über Zukunft der Notaufnahme in Varel – Sitzung Anfang November

Will the Notaufnahme remain in Varel vor dem Aus? The Mitglieder des Kreistags were deliberated on the Zukunft der ZNA in November.

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Varel – Who is further along with the Zentralen Notaufnahme (ZNA) of the Vareler St.-Johannes hospitals? In November, the Kreistag was founded, which placed the Frisian Kliniken and Landkreis in the best editorial departments. So if you write that the ZNA is “natural in the transformation process of the Unternehmens-mitzuberücksichtigen”, the Entwicklung will undertake the prüfen and the hereditary order of the Angebot dem tatsächlichen “sei. It may happen that the leaves on the small nachfrage in the ZNA fall. Nur vereinzelt gab es seit Frühjahr Fall, de dort versorgt should be.

Since I don’t really want to go skiing?

Yes, most often. This is the case in the Vergangen Monaten deutschlandweit für Schlagzeilen. Auch in Varel was the long season of the Fall. So the NWZ reports on the basis of the clinic’s dates, which is all in the year 2022 of 10,000 registered patients. There are 9,000 of these infirmities and infirmities and blessings that do not fall into the Category Notfall fields. Dennoch was a statistician.

Was that itself changed from time to time?

They should be noted that they will be born after their inner life in a timely manner. It is not possible to solve a problem, but it is no longer a 24/7 principle for all odds. Since then, the ZNA has not yet been resolved. Dazwischen – 4.30 pm to 8 am during the week and a holiday – will be arranged by telemedicine.

Why would there be any more patients?

That is unclear. An Anstieg von Fällen in most notes has not pleased the Pressestelle of the Frisian Kliniken. “It is a fact that one of the people affected by the 116117/Bereitschaftspraxen or sich but tagsüber an ihre Hausärzte is not able to cope. Rückmeldungen since the complaints of patients do not lie to us here.”

Why does the ZNA theme now land in the Kreistag?

The Frisian Clinics maintain the Landkreis and separate the political and über-strategic Ausrichtungen. Obscurities are offered about politics and the ZNA parties or the great war that is being waged. In the debate about a clinic in healthcare, the healthcare clinic for the healthcare clinic cannot be established, nor in the treatment of the treatment of the new hospitals before a Kreistagssitzung is demonstrated.

Have you planted any more changes?

The problem of shortcomings can arise if the personal deck of the Frisian Clinics a Tages is a theme. After the personal development or the personal development of the Abbaut had started some time ago, the District and the Clinics went to the Transformation Process and started the Sanierungsgutachten, which – whoever was informed – were tolled. “Herebei is a ground legend, Prozesse launches its prüfen, one of those optimizations and the disinternehmen long-lasting and error-free delivery. It may be that all actions of the hand lungs are rejected and here the consequences of the final maßnahmen are determined. This is the personal file with a . Die Ergebnisse der Prüfung im Transformations- und Sanierungsprozess gilt es zu berücksichtigen (Zum Beispiel: Müssen offene Stellen nachbesetzt redactie?)“, thus the Pressestelle in his written Antwort.

Is it a fact that you visited the Schließung der Klinik in November?

Here the Pressestelle wrote: “Eine Schließung des Standortes is nicht Thema der Sitzung.”

Read more: Arbeitsgruppe zur Klinik-Kooperation komplett

Read more: We have a clinical foundation in Varel – and we have a profitable business

Das St.-Johannes Hospital in Varel.

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Anuschka Kramer

Sarom Siebenhaar