
Australian: Frau überlebt trotz Schlangenbiss zwölf Tage in der Wildnis

Australian: Frau überlebt trotz Schlangenbiss zwölf Tage in der Wildnis

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AustralianFrau überlebt trotz Schlangenbiss zwölf Tage in der Wildnis

If the car is financed in the Outback, the fear of Lovisa Sjoberg (48) will prevent such an action. If the water is watered – extremely dried out and lethargic.

Felix Traber

Felix Traber

Tagelang is said to have taken missing photos and protection measures of Behördenmitarbeitern and Freiwilligen in the Snowy Mountains in the Australian Federal State of New South Wales. Now we were Lovisa “Kiki” Sjoberg (48) on Sunday at 4:50 PM, a remote event in the Kosciuszko National Park was founded – quickly during the next week, it will be a war.

The pre-photographs and activities for the Wildpferd-Rasse Brumby War will take place tomorrow on October 15th. If the Mitarbeiter der Vermietung Feststellten, the Rückgabe ofs Wagens Sechs Tage überfällig War, los op 21. Oktober Alarm aus. The car was safely placed on a Parkplatz in Kosciuszko National Park.

There was such an action going on, one of the politicians on Pferden and with Spürhunden, Park Ranger, Feuerwehrleute and a helicopter with Wärmebildkamera were available. Auch Freiwillige und Angehörige beteiligten sich an der Suche.

Sjoberg War in the Snowy Mountains-on the road.

Sjoberg War in the Snowy Mountains-on the road.

Google Maps

Start with the beginning of this kind of thing: the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) has left Sjoberg verlet, entkräftet and “extremely dehydrated” on the Nungar Creek Trail near Kiandra. If you celebrate war, you will become a poisonous Schlange, a Kupferkopf. Sanitation facilities, the fund was destroyed, before emergency aid was brought to Cooma District Hospital. They wage a war in stable Zustand, while Auffinden counts Toby Lindsay’s police as “benomen”.

Sjöberg war in the region and in the distance and the war in the Snowy Mountains en route, a wild photographers. But that’s when things went wrong. Laut Lindsay can say Sjoberg von Glück, am Leben zu sein: “If your war is bissen by a Schlange for four years, how you stiffen the Knöchel and little extremely dries out.” These nights, temperatures near the Gefrierpunkt were observed in the densely guarded countryside.

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