
Israel prohibits UNRWA from working in state territory

Israel prohibits UNRWA from working in state territory

The Palästinenserhilfswerk UNRWA muss seine Arbeit in Israel im kommenden Jahr einstellen. The Israeli parliament has consulted a large number of institutions, the organization is responsible for the Israeli state territory. While the organization can consolidate its power in the Palestinian territory, Israel can exercise cross-border control.

Israel’s 120-seat Knesset parliament has voted 92 government and opposition leaders in favor of the Vorhaben. Damit would massively eingeschränkt the Arbeit des Palästinenserhilfswerks. UN General António Guterres and a Western Alliance of Israel have made it clear that they have expanded the plans.
Israel left the organization, a ship that carried out a terrorist action, and the mass of the Islamist Hamas started on October 7. One of the official institutions of UNRWA as a terrorist organization had not yet started the Second World War on the theme of the Knesset-Tagesordnung. Dennoch soll Behörden in Israel has contacted the organization that started so that the new Gesetz in Kraft Tritt. Dies soll in 90 days after the announcement of the release date. The Hilfswerk must establish the characteristics of the Israeli Territory – the aim is for all Arab countries to reach East Jerusalem.
Before you find yourself in the parliament of the wütenden debate. An Arab Abgeordneter sprach von een “faschistieken Gesetz”, Zielsei de fortwährende Unterdrückung des palästinensische Volkes. The initiators respond with lautem Geschrei, an Abgeordnete must be offered after more Mahnungen aus dem Saal.
The UN General António Guterres has given the German government the prospect. Every now and then the reinforcements, the human leaders and the tensions in Gaza Strip – and in West Jordan and in East Jerusalem – lindern, “ersticken”, warn there are. “There was a catastrophe in a jetzt schon kompetten Desaster.” It will all have had a dramatic impact from the Gaza Strip on the population of the two millions of human beings living on the lebenswichtige Hilfe of UNRWA.
Medien sufolge hatten auch Vertreter des israëlische Aussenministeriums Thinking behind the practical consequences geäussert. I’m afraid that autumn will become an Ausschluss Israels from the Vereinten Nationen. It is possible that the US will exercise a veto in the fight against the Security Council.
Israel hates the Verdingenheit while the previous ones hated UNRWA. Demnach sollen more Mitarbeiter der Organization in das Massaker vom 7. Oktober 2023 verwickelt gewesen en de Organization as Ganzes von der Hamas unterwandert sein.
Westliche Verbündete has warned Israel about UNRWA-Verbot
Western states nevertheless have the power to separate the Knesset into their “real government” over the gesetzespläne. In a number of countries, Australian ministers and ministers of Germany, France, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, Japan and South Korea can reach the Israeli Regie “nachdrücklich”, which makes international discussions possible.
The Vorrechte of the UNRWA would no longer be abolished, a humanitarian Hilfe and the Grundversorgung der Zivilbevölkerung would become more powerful. The ministers and ministers of concrete, UNRWA has written a letter, one of the terrorist organizations that has established a terrorist organization has carried out a mission.
The Palastinensische Autonomybehörde in West Jordan is strongly critical of the separation of the Knesset in Vorfeld. This Gesetz violates popular law and is a provocation to the combined international community.
There is no question of a loss of conflict or a judicial loss of the freedom of struggle in the end with international law, whereby the autonomy claim of the Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas is crowned in an Erklärung, which was denied by the Palestinian Nachrichtenagent Wafa.