
UN-Artenschutzkonferenz in Kolumbien: COP President Susana Muhamad – Geerdet on großer Bühne

UN-Artenschutzkonferenz in Kolumbien: COP President Susana Muhamad – Geerdet on großer Bühne

Kali taz | The Colombian minister Susana Muhamad is an Ausnahme in Kabinett von Gustavo Petro. In the unstable direction of the links, the president is one of the future ministers, who is a dabei from Anfang. No one in Cabinet is so ideologically nahe. It is often the case that a discurse is used. If you say something and want it, it’s a good price. In der Sache it is a bit: The Environment has fundamental Bedeutung für Kolumbien. A new world and energy policy is no longer necessary, the 43 percent of American peasant power must be stopped.

The president and the minister know their long term. Like Petro Bürgermeister in the war in Bogotá, it is about the city environment. Before you are a prime minister, you will be idiosyncratic in the city of the capital and in 2023 among the mayoral candidates. But Petro Rief, and Muhamad kam. If you studied Politics at the elite Union of the Andes, you will have a master’s degree in post-secondary studies from South Africa’s Stellenbosch University. Was in Kolombien an Ausnahme ist: Susana Muhamad gilded as unbetechlich. Ihren Nachnamen hat die 47-Jährige von ihrem palästinensischen Großvater geerbt.

The Ministerium, that is the war, the war in Columbia is not that heavy. The COP16 des Abkommens über biological Vielfalt nutzt Muhamad now as an international stage. As chairman of the Discussion, he traveled to Cali together with Minister Luis Gilberto Murillo. Ausländische Medien bezeichnen is like “aspired Stern”. Renowned Colombian Umweltschützer Rodrigo Botero said that there is a man who has a strategy, an agricultural border that stabilizes, even if he makes his money and no longer lives in the Rainforest. Muhamad has a sense, who from politics, environment, government relations, relations and the Landfrage zammenhende – and started, are Erkenntnisse in Maßnahmen umzusetzen.

During the Amtsantritt 2022-arbeitet Muhamad ben “Frieden mit der Nature”, his motto of COP16 ist. If in 2023 a sensation from the Abholzungsraten in the Kolumbienverkenning could, you would want to see clearly: It is no longer with the Regierungprogramma for the Waldanwohner: As long as you know that the group with the Friedensgespräche with the Regie de Abholzung has stopped.

Umweltschützer: incoming for Mord schützen

It is a good idea to make a fortschritte: the Petro-Regierung is started with the joint community and the program “Umweltschützen will come from the future” for the future. Muhamad traveled in the remote areas of the Amazon region, which is Entwaldung am Krassessten, um “the people of love”. A (nor zu installierendes) Menschenrechtsnetz soll kanftig Umweltschützer:innen vor Mord. After Muhamad found the country’s first major production countries, the international Allianz was able to chisel the fossil fuel burner Brennstoffe. The decarbonisation of countries with a social bailiff is intended to be a problem.

Die Frage ist, where the money comes from. For the colonies and the other arterial states of the southern countries, there is a Riesenchance in the Verteilung von Einnahmen for the genetic resources, which are traded at the COP16 trade. If you are in the Amazon for medicine, cosmetics and other products, you will also find products that are suitable for cosmetics and treatments. What it’s about: Ob Kolumbien Auslands debts can be climbaschutzmaßnahmen tauschen – a Steckenpferd Petros.

What’s more, the Environment Minister is more concerned about Fracking. I’m a Kongress and I’m glad it’s not that fun. Fracking is a Dauertheme in his life: with 32 losses his job is near the oil industry at oil-bearing Shell and kehrte nach Kolumbien zurück. “I can use a tag if I put the innovation budget in Fracking on the market,” he said. Guardian.

One of the columbians: the world of the COP in the land of vermitteln, which makes the world difficult. The Welt-Naturkonferenz is an Auschängeschild, a Welt of the cultural diversity and biodiversity of the columbiens. There is a good chance that the country will be interested in financing it. Not that you have a private sector Colombian company in Cali anymore that is creditworthy if you want it. Muhamad sees an opportunity, the smallest coalition with megaunternehmen connected – for a “Wirtschaft der Biodiversität”. The COP16 said: “We can organize an organization and become a thing, and it will all happen.” An important botschaft in de Gewalt-geprägten-kolumbien.